While of course I am sad my first set wasn't the one that made me pink (who wouldn't be/isn't), I am still determined! The response I got from my first set was so overwhelmingly positive I MUST continue.
I won't spoil EVERYTHING, but it's going to be quite the opposite from my first one. I feel the first one seemed a little more innocent, so I'm going for the opposite of that now. I'm going to have a different photographer this time so it will be a completely different attitude. My friend Chris, who will be shooting me, is also a model himself and he has a very unique style. For a sort of idea of his... uniqueness, here's his 'promo' video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AftEGtWZqPs
So yea, you can kind of guess where this is going.
But, this is still my shoot, so it will still be MY style.
Whatever, I can't explain it well, you'll like it don't worry :)
Alright I need to get back to work but I just wanted to take the chance to update you all one more time during my hellish week of finals/survey.
Much love! ~Hippi