So i know I haven't posted anything in a while so it's time for a major update. my roommate broke my computer and is refusing to pay to fix it so I'm having some issues there, so i apologize for my lack of activity. Even now This is being posted from my phone.
As the title says, I was in the hospital, and now I'm out. Basically, on Monday-Tuesday my breathing kept getting worse. By Tuesday night, when I attempted to attend class I nearly passed out just walking a block. Wednesday morning I was worse, and my Mom had a car pick me up and bring me home. From there, I went to the hospital where I have been till a bit ago. They believed it to be a mix of bad bronchitis and bad sudden return of asthma after 10 years. Unfortunately, they didn't know for sure. So, I have to go see a special doctor called a pulmanologist or something to make sure that something worse isn't at hand.
I'm breathing now, I'm able to cough, and I am currently surrounded by my animals so they are making me feel much better :)
Much love all <3
- Hippi