I bought a fish today. It was completely uneventful.
More Blogs
Friday Mar 11, 2005
Tomorrow I embark on a journey of epic proportions.. we will be rocke… -
Thursday Mar 10, 2005
So a few things- I might be co-curating an art exhibit April 10ish… -
Sunday Mar 06, 2005
I always said that as soon as I get those degrees that I'd haul my as… -
Thursday Mar 03, 2005
I met Missy and some pretty pre-suicide girls today at the Bourgeois … -
Monday Feb 28, 2005
I'm supposed to meet with Missy this Thursday to interview to be a Su… -
Sunday Feb 27, 2005
I feel like the beginning of today was a year ago. I can't tell if I … -
Sunday Feb 27, 2005
Hello, SG World. I'm graduating in May and it's driving me mad. I kne… -
Wednesday Feb 23, 2005
I've never done this journal business before so i guess I'll start by… -
Sunday Feb 13, 2005
hallo! Excited to be part of the suicide girl phenomenon. Pretty girl…
You seem cool and all, but I don't accept friend requests from people who don't talk with me. If you actually want to talk to me, great, go for it. If not, that's OK, too. I'l just take you off the request list in a few days.