Hi. I am new.been browsing site for a while.I have not properly set my self up yet!.a bit of a mess but will get there in the end.I have no friendsfrown oh well!.just saying hello!! biggrin
booyah man hahah hey whats this weekender called umm i dont know about that one but im for sure going to the stomp WOO WOO hehe. its crazy how youvve been in the shit so long i still have alot of people to go see. i go on wreckin pit once in a while but like mad core
umm the satanic stomp im sure youve heard maybe been to one of them in germany i think the Batz are headling this year but ya i saw dag on tour this time they played alot haha isnt there a big rumble as well in japan i really wanna go to that cauuse even thou some of them bands are strange sometimes their really good