There are currently 11,000 un-employed people in Lane County as of today. My partner, is one of them, and life is getting crazy around here lately. I hate to talk about this, but I don't know what to do. The fact that she just graduated, and has been having such a hard time is really getting to her. I love this girl to death, and I can't figure out how to help, other then to be there.
It's amazing how messed up Oregon is in terms of jobs. There literally is nothing. She applied for a minimum wage coffee shop job, and at the interview the owner told her that within three days they had recieved over 280 resumes.
If shit doesn't start happening soon, fuck we'll be homeless...
aaaaaaaaaahhh what the fuck? Sorry about bitching to the world. I know very few people read this, but I just needed to write.
I wish I could help her more!
Anyway on a side note something kind of cool happened. I found out that Wyoming is repressenting in the punk scene! I guess I kid I partied with, that was good friends our crew is the lead singer of Authority Zero. Fucking right on! Some of our old skater group are in his thanks! It's funny cause I saw them about siz months ago, and I thought the guy looked familiar... Crazy shit.
There are currently 11,000 un-employed people in Lane County as of today. My partner, is one of them, and life is getting crazy around here lately. I hate to talk about this, but I don't know what to do. The fact that she just graduated, and has been having such a hard time is really getting to her. I love this girl to death, and I can't figure out how to help, other then to be there.
It's amazing how messed up Oregon is in terms of jobs. There literally is nothing. She applied for a minimum wage coffee shop job, and at the interview the owner told her that within three days they had recieved over 280 resumes.
If shit doesn't start happening soon, fuck we'll be homeless...
aaaaaaaaaahhh what the fuck? Sorry about bitching to the world. I know very few people read this, but I just needed to write.
I wish I could help her more!
Anyway on a side note something kind of cool happened. I found out that Wyoming is repressenting in the punk scene! I guess I kid I partied with, that was good friends our crew is the lead singer of Authority Zero. Fucking right on! Some of our old skater group are in his thanks! It's funny cause I saw them about siz months ago, and I thought the guy looked familiar... Crazy shit.
if she can get into grad school she might be able to get some financial assistance, pell grant, etc.
If there is some type of product or skill she can offer a good market to explore is online. inexpensive, mass produced items can be her bread and butter.
tutoring students. Foreign language students often times can afford to pay someone just to speak with them in english.
small business loan? do a lot of research first.