its been awhile since i posted.... computer crashed, just got a new one... was movin' but the landlord is a drunk and crazy so we said fuck you..... why do good people get screwed???? but oh well its for the best....
we are still lookin' for a new place just no rush.... if all else fails we intend to move to denver CO. i feel more at home there then here.... i miss the real mountians and nice people.... its a different way of life there and i miss it..............
we are still lookin' for a new place just no rush.... if all else fails we intend to move to denver CO. i feel more at home there then here.... i miss the real mountians and nice people.... its a different way of life there and i miss it..............
Haha, you should just tell them to wait until they are sure of it and they find a decent tattoo artist.