To all my friends here in the States, you have some required reading from me. There will be a quiz on this one and i'm dead serious when i say you won't be my friend if you don't read it.. it represents what might be the greatest single threat to the survival of higher life on earth. and it's not global warming, it's worse...
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Ah nothing wrong with being a flop at it. You can only go with what you can and hope for the best.

It has been a bit busy though one way or another all week lol.

Not been bad though really, just wish I wasn't still sick lol.
hey mister busy, where are you?
I demand a blog. I do, I do! kiss
and just because i have had this song stuck in my head for days and i agree so deeply with the message of the montage that it's been paired with:

aside from that i'm doing very well. the patch is going on the pants. pictures later? maybe if SG can fix the bug that isn't allowing my phone to post pictures or i miraculously receive...
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The sledgehammer would be my way of getting things done.
Sadly, my parents want the door frame to stay the way it is.

Hmmm, well, once you're finished being too good for your friends...wink....you should come over. I want to make a bag...stitching and such....and I think you'd be a good person to be crafty with.
I just wrote a big long post for your blog, and then I promptly, like a total dickhead, closed it without hitting add comment.
mad I so silly.

I really didn't expect you to know what fibro was, in honesty. I can't explain what it means to have someone instantly understand and empathise, it means a lot. So thankyou smile

First tatt hey, wicked! I like to hear about people that have real meanings behind their tatts, and realise the permanancy and commitment involved. Too many people these days don't think before they ink. Don't I sound like an old woman here... haha. The ring idea is brilliant, you're married then? I always as a kid liked the idea of some sort of commitment piercing or tattoo. Again, it's a huge step to take, but if you know in your heart it's right, go for it I say. The serpant idea sounds amazing also!

Apart from the rod tatt idea, I have a few ideas in mind. I'd like one or two more pisces tatts, one dedicated to my cat (and best friend) of 14 years when he eventually passes, and I'm throwing around the idea of the cliched "mum" heart-and-scroll tattoo. biggrin All when the time is right!

/long ramble post!

one of the most formative bands i've met yet. that video and this next one really influenced my musical direction about 5 or 6 years ago and started me down this rabbit hole to all the new music i now enjoy.

lovely. talk to you all very soon!

connection to super 8 cameras.
a way to get one easily.


they're the cameras that use cassette tapes for film as far as i know.


that would be the best tasting vinegar eVAR!!

helloooo cucumber salads...

You need more Longwood in your life biggrin
I'll be cutting down a tree from the East Gardens and sending that as well...
hopefully I don't receive a beat-down for it tongue
Mmmk doll... night night kiss
time for a new blog. i know! you're excited by these prospects.
the primaries are shaping up to be very, very interesting. so far we've got mccain, which is just fine with me, and hillary who is also fine. obama has a caucus under his belt and so is still a contender. he's a scrapper so i favor him but it's a jungle out there....
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It is weird how you get some modules that want the Earth for sod all. My second Tourism module wanted group presentations and such on airlines and it only ended up being useful for one question on the exam paper.

She never even bothered marking the presentations. Which she made mandatory, on my birthday and meaning I had to miss a friends funeral.

Hope work went ok man, you did indeed just miss me, not by much though.
Early man, its just coming up to 7am, been up since 5.

Knife sounds cool, looking forward to seeing that.

Money is good too lol, I get paid this week so I will at last have a bit more cash to my name.

Shame my new pay rise won't have kicked in yet lol.
Here's what the Bush presidency has gotten you and I

worst president in our history, hands down and no doubt even in our time. that's a rarity.

i am so deeply saddened by how this presidency and this agenda has affected out interactions with each other, too. where is the empathy and tolerance, guys? it's gone. i find myself disregarding the feelings of other even...
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and a happy new year to you as well, man. thanks for the smoke signal - agreed. smile
i always long for autumn's return... except maybe during the first weeks of spring.
well i'm well into the gloves. only two fingers to go on the first! woot! and the sizing is perfect so far, i just checked. i'm going to go ahead and try to upload a photo...see if it come in.
other than that i love cherries! fuck were they worth a quarter of my grocery budget this week. beer was worth another quarter...
what does...
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stepfather factory?

ok then...
I think I meant to say I am enjoying your comments a lot and I buy raspberries at $5.00 a quart and eat them in one sitting.. and kiwis... oh the tartness makes my mouth water now.. so yeah, fruit is good.
wow. it's been one hell of a couple of weeks!
first of all, i started up some jovian spagyrics, which will help with the consequences of the common cold. they're going to be amazing. i'm making two from Pinus ponderosa to test a regular tincture against a spagyric both herbally and homeopathically and i've got one started with Rocky Mountain Juniper, which should be an...
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That's some wisdom, for sure. Crataegus, with it's amazing thorns, is truly a heart protector.

I"m also glad to know you, and to know there are other people who resonate with similar ideas and experiences as I do.

I just learned about spagyric tinctures from my man, i'd love to know how your experiment turns out.

hey there!

well im just about to start my pre-med at a local college but so far as med school, im wanting either hopkins, university of nevada or university of washington.

im going to specialise in endocrinology, so ive got a hell of a long road ahead of me.

I'm finding more reasons to put off studying for my finals, which start tomorrow afternoon with my anatomy final and proceed to herbal science followed by herbal first aid. i also have to write two papers and make a first aid kit this week before we fly home to denver. woo hoo!
i'm working on two knit goods, on is a hat for hemlock*insert string...
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Dear Phaedias,
How do you pronounce your screen name? I have a nephew named Thadias. Is it similar, but with an F sound? Or am I way off? Just curious. When I think of my cyber space friends I like to be able to pronounce their screen name the correct way inside of my head while I am thinking. It's a really unusual name. Is it like the name of some great philosopher or something? Do write back soon.
In real life with my fleshy friends people sometimes mispronounce ElleBelle and call me Ellie Belly or Ellie Bell. It cracks me up. I don't have the heart to correct them because I've let it go on for too long- they'd be like wtf? Why didn't you tell me hella days ago? Most people just call me Ellie Or Elle. You pronounce my screen name like this: L Bell I'm sure most people already know that. I used to always go by PinkMbrella as a screen name for like 10 years on aol. Then I changed my aol account to PillowParty because I started selling the sexy time toys at parties. PinkMbrela is a euphanism for vagina. I got it from a Red Hot Chili Peppers song~ MellowShip Slinky in Bminor (or major) I forget. Anyway- I originally would have used PinkUmbrella, but at the time in like 1995/96 AOL would only let you have 10 letters in your screen name. I hate aol, but it is easy for me to navigate. I should just get a hotmail or yahoo account and suck it up. I am not sure if you can store old mail on there or not or keep some mail as new mail even after looking at it. I guess I just really like the convenience of aol. The only other thing I like about aol is the fact that it is easy for me to access my favorite sites. Anyway- I think I'll leave this message in your comments under your blog as well as here in the Dear______________, thread.
Smootches, Elle kiss

My Shaman burns this really gorgeous smelling wood called St. Johns or Georges or something or another. I wrote her an email a couple weeks ago to explain to her that I haven't been able to come to our last journey because my head hasn't been right for awhile. Anyway- when I wrote to her I asked her what the wood was and she responded, but now I am having trouble retrieving that email. Suck. It left such a lasting impression on my olfactory.
Anyway- my head is somewhat straightened out right now because Nurse Ratched uped my meds. Are you old enough to get that cultural referance? She's the nurse from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest staring Jack Nichelson. I need to go see my shaman for our last journey. She's fan fucking tastic. My psychiatrist hooked me up with her. She was an anthropologist for 30+ years before becoming a shaman practitioner. She's led me on 3 journeys so far. It's pretty trippy. Actually the first time I saw her she did a de-possession on me because I had 2 spirits attached to me. I knew for years about the one. It was soooo f*ing trippy when she did the de-possessions. I'll never forget it.

I hope you ended up studying.

Love and Much Light, Ellebelle
it's beautiful.
everything is just beautiful.
go see for yourself.
Ooh, nettles! I'm taking care of some hard stuff in the Denver area this week (separating all my stuff from my ex's, etc...) but I'm heading up into the mountains by Sun or Mon to be with the new man and to start a new life. I hope I can wildcraft some usnea lichen before the season is over. I'd love to come out and spend some time in Washington next summer.
i agree love the colors of the leaves right now and the crispness in the air is beautiful