Nah, i'm an outreach social support worker for adults with learning disabilities and associated physical and mental issues...
...really rolls off the tongue, huh? But yeah, sometimes
i end up being oncall. Which is fun - well, it's better than when i was an oncall undertaker...
Funeral Director -
You get to wear a heavy wool suit in the summer, work
weird hours, be surrounded by crying people, make
little money, and you get to touch dead bodies!
Lawyer -
Your family and friends all know you are a lawyer.
Hmm, i'll take being an undertaker thanks!
Anyway, i trained to be a silversmith... and i've still ended up working with people with learning difficulties!
...really rolls off the tongue, huh? But yeah, sometimes
i end up being oncall. Which is fun - well, it's better than when i was an oncall undertaker...
You get to wear a heavy wool suit in the summer, work
weird hours, be surrounded by crying people, make
little money, and you get to touch dead bodies!
Lawyer -
Your family and friends all know you are a lawyer.
Hmm, i'll take being an undertaker thanks!
Anyway, i trained to be a silversmith... and i've still ended up working with people with learning difficulties!