I'm so glad to not have to live in the midwest anymore. If the weather doesn't get to you, than the people will. Perhaps I've lived out west for too long. Anyway, I won't talk about the people I met the other day.
So not smoking is great!!! I have a lot more energy, probably angst. I can sing again. It's only been a short... Read More
I am now into day four of being cigaretteless. I'm not on the patch, I'm not using the gum, or zyban. Just lolipops. I don't see what the big deal is about quiting smoking. It's not hard at all.
Happy New year all. This was the best Christmas, and New year experience that I have had in Seattle. Earlier this week this guy comes into the bar looking for Melvin's tickets. I had a couple left. He bought one. I wish I saw him there. We got to talking, and apparantly, he stayed in Perth as well. He was only there for a few... Read More
What a great Christmas!!! I wound up closing up the bar at 2 rather than 10 like they wanted me. It was a huge party. I had women dancing on the bar to the smiths. I whispered to them that they would have to get down after the song was over. They didn't hear me though, but hey for legal reasons I was in the... Read More
thanks so much for the birthday wishes!!! .......
hmmm.. sounds like it would be a very interesting house to live in.. and not necessarily in a good way!..
Have a great christmas!
In my entire life, I have never really looked up to anyone. In the past month, I have found two people that I find to be the coolest. The first is Steve Gilbert. This man's in town for a month. If you ever come into my bar, talk to him for 30 seconds, and you'll realize why I think he is cool as shit. He... Read More