Jeez, did I ever have a miserable weekend. But I needed it. I spent pretty the whole weekend in bed watching TV. I'm always pushing myself. Working, drawing. Every now and then I burn myself out a bit. Was good though cos after a lazy weekend (and boy I was lazy) I'm pumped for shit now.
Monday I went to a life drawing class. I really suck at life drawing. But weirdly my good friend Simon Gane (he's an actual comic artist) struggles with it too. I guess it's so much time spent working on a style that exaggerates form that when you have to draw something realistically you have to try and forget what you've been practicing for years. It's tough! Plus the teacher is a freaking hard ass. I would post my drawings but they were quite terrible. I'll post next week's doodles for sure. You can laugh at my lameness.
I just played the most intense game of Left 4 dead ever. Was brilliant.
I found this guy and his reviews of films:
For me he's pretty much spot on with his reviews. His review of attack of the clones is equally funny and cutting. He rips them apart. Plus there's some pretty funny lil skits in there about him being a kidnapper/murderer too. After watching these it reminded me why the original star wars films are so good. Gonna have a Star wars marathon soon. Ooooooh yeah! I can wear my Chewbacca mask while I watch. And drink beer obviously.
The lovely rdpixie asked me to draw her a logo for her new personal trainer business.

I'm really pleased with how this turned out. I think I got quite a good likeness too.
I'm currently reading this:

It's great fun! I love Adam Warren! I actually owe him a lot. I first saw his 'Dirty pair' comic in the early nineties and right then I realised I wanted to draw comics. I guess it was the tits. He draws really cute girls, but he's stuff is also really funny and self knowing, he gets away with it.
What else has been going on? Dunno. Too much to remember I guess.
I would just like to say thanks to all you lovely SG people. You put up with my rants with support. Your comments are always appreciated. You're all lovely gorgeous people.
Also love to SeaLion. She rocks my world!
Monday I went to a life drawing class. I really suck at life drawing. But weirdly my good friend Simon Gane (he's an actual comic artist) struggles with it too. I guess it's so much time spent working on a style that exaggerates form that when you have to draw something realistically you have to try and forget what you've been practicing for years. It's tough! Plus the teacher is a freaking hard ass. I would post my drawings but they were quite terrible. I'll post next week's doodles for sure. You can laugh at my lameness.
I just played the most intense game of Left 4 dead ever. Was brilliant.
I found this guy and his reviews of films:
For me he's pretty much spot on with his reviews. His review of attack of the clones is equally funny and cutting. He rips them apart. Plus there's some pretty funny lil skits in there about him being a kidnapper/murderer too. After watching these it reminded me why the original star wars films are so good. Gonna have a Star wars marathon soon. Ooooooh yeah! I can wear my Chewbacca mask while I watch. And drink beer obviously.
The lovely rdpixie asked me to draw her a logo for her new personal trainer business.

I'm really pleased with how this turned out. I think I got quite a good likeness too.
I'm currently reading this:

It's great fun! I love Adam Warren! I actually owe him a lot. I first saw his 'Dirty pair' comic in the early nineties and right then I realised I wanted to draw comics. I guess it was the tits. He draws really cute girls, but he's stuff is also really funny and self knowing, he gets away with it.
What else has been going on? Dunno. Too much to remember I guess.
I would just like to say thanks to all you lovely SG people. You put up with my rants with support. Your comments are always appreciated. You're all lovely gorgeous people.

Also love to SeaLion. She rocks my world!
these past few days i really have been trying to be more productive.. its funny really.
it seems we have swapped weekends! you being lazy and not working..and me doing the opposite! x
I'm dead impressed with your logo - it's super cool! Not only is the art superb but you've got a perfect likeness too!
Bit of a random one - does your chewbacca mask have a mouth hole for drinking beer? Might be a bit difficult if it doesn't... Maybe we could rig up some kind of straw system for you though?