08-21 4:55 pm
So I guess I'm sticking around here 'til saturday and then I'm headed for the Oregon coast. I just watched another excellent movie, The Good Thief. Four excellent movies in a row, I'm feelin' lucky. I wanna try and dig in socially somewhere, see if I'm even capable of such a thing... perhaps in Vancouver. In the meantime, I will continue to take my time meandering up the coast. A wandering vangrant. A drifting, solitary skeptic. Somebody let go of my string and I'm floating away....... POP!
current mood: deviate
current music: Leonard Cohen - A Thousand Kisses Deep
08-23 7:28 pm
I'm in Brookings trying to type quietly on a loud keyboard. I'm in a motel office around the corner from the front desk, and I doubt that this is meant to be a public computer. I followed my aunt down here to Brookings, we wandered around the beaches, and she just headed back to Medford. She'd never seen the coast of the northwest. It's quite different from the coasts of SoCal or Hawaii. I was trippin' the first time I saw the Oregon coast, and I thought I was in another dimension.
I'm parked right between a motel (with a spa and complimentary coffee) and an RV park (with hot showers), both right on the beach. So I'll probably crash here tonight, and continue up the coast to Coos Bay ...or whereever my boat stays afloat tomorrow. I'm pretty relieved to be back on the road again (with my shoes). After a coupla months of this, I start to feel pretty couped up when I'm stuck in one spot for more than a few days. I get kinda depressed.
I should bail out of this office, before one of the desk ladies comes in here, and I have to talk my way out of trouble. I'm gonna go drink coffee and read until it gets dark, then enjoy the spa 'til they kick me out, then walk down the beach in the moonlight, or maybe go skate around the RV park while old folks give me dirty looks.
current mood: unglued
current music: Patti Smith - Free Money
08-26 3:58 pm
I drove straight through Coos Bay, Florence, and Lincoln City. I didn't stop until Tillamook, where I checked out the local cheese factory. After that humorous ordeal, I continued north to find the beach at which I once encountered another dimension. I found it, It's called Hug Point, and it's still pretty freaky, even sober.
In my infinite wisdom, I decided to camp there for nostalgia's sake. That was very scary. In the dying light, my imagination ran wild and I saw some frightening things. The one that stands out the most was the undead fat man with no arms or legs trying to drag himself across the beach. More than once I was striken with pure panic. I made it through the night though, until, at seven a.m., a park ranger kicked me out. I returned an hour later, and chilled 'til about two in the afternoon.
I left Hug Point and drove about an hour and a half east to Portland (PDX), where I am now. Upon arrival, I ditched my car and took my skateboard. I chilled in the PSU student union and charged my phone and mp3 player. I sat in Pioneer Square and ate a burrito. I went to Powell's City of Books and drank coffee and read some 'zines. I went to check out a show, but it was over, so I found a nice neighborhood and slept in my car.
When I woke, I urinated on a fence, ate a burrito, stole a T-shirt, and came here to Backspace to go online. I haven't showered in two days, I'm feelin' grimy. Even though I was uncomfortable, I couldn't convince myself to rise from slumber 'til noon.
I guess I'm pretty depressed. It has nada to do with my adventuring. I guess it's just my seemingly inescapable social paranoia and loneliness. But that applies no matter where I am or what I'm doing. When I'm around people, I tend to feel like my presence is annoying or inconveniencing them in some way. My problems probably mostly stem from my socially uneasy childhood. I was ostracized and mercilessly ridiculed throughout. It's followed me and caused me to feel inhuman and alone. I can't shake it.
I dunno whether I'm gonna chill here in PDX tonight or head up to Olympia or Seattle. I'm becoming a lil' paranoid about whether just my Driver's license will warrant my re-entry back into the States, so I think I'll see what it takes to get a passport or whatever before Vancouver.
it is impossible for me to prove my citizenship (get a passport). i've never seen my birth certificate. as far as public record is concerned it doesn't exist. maybe i am inhuman. hmmm.
current mood: despondent
current music: Nina Nastasia - On Teasing
08-27 5:12 pm
I stayed in PDX last night. I went to a show at the soon to be deceased Blackbird. It was Modernstate, Echo Ave., and Talkdemonic. It was a very good show. I got wasted off Pabst Blue Ribbon and, of course, obsessed on how socially cowardly I am, yet didn't talk to anyone. I feel like my life is a party that I wasn't invited to. I passed out in my fine automobile right next door in the Econolodge parking lot.
When I woke, I decided to move on. I'm now in Olympia, which is an awesome little city an hour south of Seattle. I'm gonna chill here for the night, just hang out in the park, and continue to Seattle tomorrow. I'm gonna check out the Bumbershoot Art Exibit, which is free tomorrow noon to eight. Then Friday night, I'm going to see Deerhoof at Chop Suey. And on Saturday, unless I'm really diggin' Seattle, I'll run for the border.
current mood: bedraggled
current music: Yann Tiersen - La Dispute (Third Eye Foundation Remix)
So I guess I'm sticking around here 'til saturday and then I'm headed for the Oregon coast. I just watched another excellent movie, The Good Thief. Four excellent movies in a row, I'm feelin' lucky. I wanna try and dig in socially somewhere, see if I'm even capable of such a thing... perhaps in Vancouver. In the meantime, I will continue to take my time meandering up the coast. A wandering vangrant. A drifting, solitary skeptic. Somebody let go of my string and I'm floating away....... POP!
current mood: deviate
current music: Leonard Cohen - A Thousand Kisses Deep
08-23 7:28 pm
I'm in Brookings trying to type quietly on a loud keyboard. I'm in a motel office around the corner from the front desk, and I doubt that this is meant to be a public computer. I followed my aunt down here to Brookings, we wandered around the beaches, and she just headed back to Medford. She'd never seen the coast of the northwest. It's quite different from the coasts of SoCal or Hawaii. I was trippin' the first time I saw the Oregon coast, and I thought I was in another dimension.
I'm parked right between a motel (with a spa and complimentary coffee) and an RV park (with hot showers), both right on the beach. So I'll probably crash here tonight, and continue up the coast to Coos Bay ...or whereever my boat stays afloat tomorrow. I'm pretty relieved to be back on the road again (with my shoes). After a coupla months of this, I start to feel pretty couped up when I'm stuck in one spot for more than a few days. I get kinda depressed.
I should bail out of this office, before one of the desk ladies comes in here, and I have to talk my way out of trouble. I'm gonna go drink coffee and read until it gets dark, then enjoy the spa 'til they kick me out, then walk down the beach in the moonlight, or maybe go skate around the RV park while old folks give me dirty looks.
current mood: unglued
current music: Patti Smith - Free Money
08-26 3:58 pm
I drove straight through Coos Bay, Florence, and Lincoln City. I didn't stop until Tillamook, where I checked out the local cheese factory. After that humorous ordeal, I continued north to find the beach at which I once encountered another dimension. I found it, It's called Hug Point, and it's still pretty freaky, even sober.
In my infinite wisdom, I decided to camp there for nostalgia's sake. That was very scary. In the dying light, my imagination ran wild and I saw some frightening things. The one that stands out the most was the undead fat man with no arms or legs trying to drag himself across the beach. More than once I was striken with pure panic. I made it through the night though, until, at seven a.m., a park ranger kicked me out. I returned an hour later, and chilled 'til about two in the afternoon.
I left Hug Point and drove about an hour and a half east to Portland (PDX), where I am now. Upon arrival, I ditched my car and took my skateboard. I chilled in the PSU student union and charged my phone and mp3 player. I sat in Pioneer Square and ate a burrito. I went to Powell's City of Books and drank coffee and read some 'zines. I went to check out a show, but it was over, so I found a nice neighborhood and slept in my car.
When I woke, I urinated on a fence, ate a burrito, stole a T-shirt, and came here to Backspace to go online. I haven't showered in two days, I'm feelin' grimy. Even though I was uncomfortable, I couldn't convince myself to rise from slumber 'til noon.
I guess I'm pretty depressed. It has nada to do with my adventuring. I guess it's just my seemingly inescapable social paranoia and loneliness. But that applies no matter where I am or what I'm doing. When I'm around people, I tend to feel like my presence is annoying or inconveniencing them in some way. My problems probably mostly stem from my socially uneasy childhood. I was ostracized and mercilessly ridiculed throughout. It's followed me and caused me to feel inhuman and alone. I can't shake it.
I dunno whether I'm gonna chill here in PDX tonight or head up to Olympia or Seattle. I'm becoming a lil' paranoid about whether just my Driver's license will warrant my re-entry back into the States, so I think I'll see what it takes to get a passport or whatever before Vancouver.
it is impossible for me to prove my citizenship (get a passport). i've never seen my birth certificate. as far as public record is concerned it doesn't exist. maybe i am inhuman. hmmm.
current mood: despondent
current music: Nina Nastasia - On Teasing
08-27 5:12 pm
I stayed in PDX last night. I went to a show at the soon to be deceased Blackbird. It was Modernstate, Echo Ave., and Talkdemonic. It was a very good show. I got wasted off Pabst Blue Ribbon and, of course, obsessed on how socially cowardly I am, yet didn't talk to anyone. I feel like my life is a party that I wasn't invited to. I passed out in my fine automobile right next door in the Econolodge parking lot.
When I woke, I decided to move on. I'm now in Olympia, which is an awesome little city an hour south of Seattle. I'm gonna chill here for the night, just hang out in the park, and continue to Seattle tomorrow. I'm gonna check out the Bumbershoot Art Exibit, which is free tomorrow noon to eight. Then Friday night, I'm going to see Deerhoof at Chop Suey. And on Saturday, unless I'm really diggin' Seattle, I'll run for the border.
current mood: bedraggled
current music: Yann Tiersen - La Dispute (Third Eye Foundation Remix)

i used to live in santa cruz, but i had to get out.