10:57 am
This is gonna be short. I'm in Santa Barbara. I have more pics, but they'll hafta wait till I can get to a more accessable 'puter. Gene and I went and saw 28 days later, which was awesome. If you haven't seen it, see it. Stay through the credits for the alternate ending which should have been the actual ending IMO. I slept at Gene's house, and left the next afternoon. I drove up the coast through Ventura to Santa Barbara. On a whim, I followed some signs to Westmont College. They were having a buffet for perspective students, a free meal. I chilled downtown until I got sleepy, then slept in my car in a carpet store parking lot. I'm now in the East S.B. Library. There's a kid waiting to use this 'puter, so I gotta go. More to come...
current mood: hurried
current music: Notwist - Another Planet
8:59 pm
I left Santa Barbara shortly after that last post. I drove north on Pacific Coast Highway until I took a side road to a vacant beach at Oceano Dunes. I took this walkway over a little lake. It was gorgeous. After enjoying having an entire beach to myself, I continued up PCH to San Luis Obispo. I walked around town barefoot, raided a bulk food bin, and snaked a map of town. Now I'm at an internet cafe, using the distraction of an open mic night to occupy an internet terminal unbeknownst to the coffee girl. What did you do today?
current mood: alive
current music: Grandaddy - A.M. 180
This is gonna be short. I'm in Santa Barbara. I have more pics, but they'll hafta wait till I can get to a more accessable 'puter. Gene and I went and saw 28 days later, which was awesome. If you haven't seen it, see it. Stay through the credits for the alternate ending which should have been the actual ending IMO. I slept at Gene's house, and left the next afternoon. I drove up the coast through Ventura to Santa Barbara. On a whim, I followed some signs to Westmont College. They were having a buffet for perspective students, a free meal. I chilled downtown until I got sleepy, then slept in my car in a carpet store parking lot. I'm now in the East S.B. Library. There's a kid waiting to use this 'puter, so I gotta go. More to come...
current mood: hurried
current music: Notwist - Another Planet
8:59 pm
I left Santa Barbara shortly after that last post. I drove north on Pacific Coast Highway until I took a side road to a vacant beach at Oceano Dunes. I took this walkway over a little lake. It was gorgeous. After enjoying having an entire beach to myself, I continued up PCH to San Luis Obispo. I walked around town barefoot, raided a bulk food bin, and snaked a map of town. Now I'm at an internet cafe, using the distraction of an open mic night to occupy an internet terminal unbeknownst to the coffee girl. What did you do today?
current mood: alive
current music: Grandaddy - A.M. 180
