New year, a new post!
What's new? Read a couple books (Running on Empty by Jonice Webb and What to Do When a Parent's Love Rules Your Life by Patricia Love to be specific), found a new perspective, taking myself and my needs seriously, joined WeightWatchers, paring down to the essentials (and can actually part with things this time around
), trying to find time...
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What's new? Read a couple books (Running on Empty by Jonice Webb and What to Do When a Parent's Love Rules Your Life by Patricia Love to be specific), found a new perspective, taking myself and my needs seriously, joined WeightWatchers, paring down to the essentials (and can actually part with things this time around

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Holy! Life has been FLYING by lately! So much so, my little abode is a complete sty right now.
Pray that I find some time over the weekend, ok? If it happens it'll be a miracle, but it'll make me sooo happy to have everything back in some semblance of order.
SO! I started Weight Watchers about 6 weeks ago, like, it seems, everyone I...
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SO! I started Weight Watchers about 6 weeks ago, like, it seems, everyone I...
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New Year, new post! Lots going on around here. Mom's been sick with the e-coli virus - that shut her down almost completely, poor gal. It sapped any bit of energy in her body. Thankfully she has a great doc and he has her on some serious antibiotics. Now we just have to test to make sure she's completely rid of the infection. While Mom...
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Happy Thanksgiving, American buddies =D
Four months from Tuesday will be my 34th birthday. By that time I want to have a plan-of-attack for the next year of my life mapped out. I wouldn't mind Ryan Gosling or Adam Levine popping out of a cake either, but that's optional ,oP
What's everyone been up to?

What's everyone been up to?

Living the life in CO, being a dad, rocking out on the radio. It's good to see some people I still know on this site. It's been sad watching everyone leave.
heck yes lady!! and i used to be a blackberry lover...i switched to an iphone... but then again you're from bc...u canjust txt me

Guess what I saw on Millionaire Matchmaker? Destin was wearing an SG shirt! I wish I knew what his name was here I'd start a "hook a sista up" campaign LOL ,o)
So, my new bike finally came in and I'm just putting it together. Can't wait to get out on the road and feel the wind through my hair! Pictures to follow...
So, my new bike finally came in and I'm just putting it together. Can't wait to get out on the road and feel the wind through my hair! Pictures to follow...
Thanks girl! It's been a while. I trust you are doing well.
I'm getting a bike!! I'm so excited I'm practically doing cartwheels! The sun is finally coming out and I'm just about to get THIS BEAUTY to tool around town with! W00t!
So, I've just been to my second voice lesson. I'm having lots of fun. Currently hunting down a (hopefully) fairly cheap keyboard so I can practice, practice, practice and drive everyone I live with...
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So, I've just been to my second voice lesson. I'm having lots of fun. Currently hunting down a (hopefully) fairly cheap keyboard so I can practice, practice, practice and drive everyone I live with...
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I've been taking melatonin the last few months. Amazing dreams that stuff gives you. Last night I had a dream about 3 brothers who were scooping up ashes to put back into an urn believing it was their father, and then their father comes up behind them and says, "Oooh what's that?" and scares the crap out of all of them. Very Brit-com. I woke...
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I think I'm going to get a tiny little lotus flower with some roots stretching out underneath on the back of my neck. More of an outline, but with a bit of pink, green, and brown to accent it. Maybe it should have 33 leaves since I just turned 33? =D
Upon further contemplation, I think a simple 5 leaf design would suit me better.
Upon further contemplation, I think a simple 5 leaf design would suit me better.
Happy end-of-the-first-week-of-2011! I've been thinking a lot about what I've accomplished in 2010 and what I want to accomplish in 2011. I think I've finally finished going through the tough stuff; found out I'm bipolar and found a medication that makes me feel like I did 15 years ago when I was free of all this crap. I don't have that deer-in-headlights feeling and am...
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I wish I had the closet space for an organizer.. wait does that even make sense? Maybe I'll look into one.
I think a single sock is a grand idea because if you overwhelm yourself at first chances are you'll quit so start knitting! Then you can work up to making me a scarf
2011 I agree with the relaxing-restorative, I'm trying to define who I am as a person as I'm getting a bit older and I need to settle down into a career. I'd like to move to a new city to further my chances of a better career, surround myself with better people, positive influences etc. I want to be able to take care of myself, not the whole "I'm going to lose weight and do this and this" nah... just treat myself better and learn to love myself for all of me.
I think a single sock is a grand idea because if you overwhelm yourself at first chances are you'll quit so start knitting! Then you can work up to making me a scarf

2011 I agree with the relaxing-restorative, I'm trying to define who I am as a person as I'm getting a bit older and I need to settle down into a career. I'd like to move to a new city to further my chances of a better career, surround myself with better people, positive influences etc. I want to be able to take care of myself, not the whole "I'm going to lose weight and do this and this" nah... just treat myself better and learn to love myself for all of me.

If I had a band it would probably sound a lot like this. I love the bluesy-ness of this song =)
So, Christmas was great. Got a winter jacket, some new clothes, and a vacuum that I adore. And beyond that, I found out I'm bipolar and was put on meds that work like a hot-damn, so I'm feeling fantastic, too. I'm amazed at what...
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So, Christmas was great. Got a winter jacket, some new clothes, and a vacuum that I adore. And beyond that, I found out I'm bipolar and was put on meds that work like a hot-damn, so I'm feeling fantastic, too. I'm amazed at what...
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GADDAMNIT! I totally missed out on this:
As a friend of mine once said, "I totally suck at fighting Cancer" =(
As a friend of mine once said, "I totally suck at fighting Cancer" =(
ha ha i've seen that
you should check out if you're bored
you should check out if you're bored