hello internet. well, i've successfully fled the west coast - if only for 2 weeks. i'm snug along side the hudson river, i can see the tappan zee bridge from my mom's porch. ah, new york. so, needless to say, i'll be back in the nyc while i'm here. i'm going to see my friend frankie, who i haven't seen in almost 5 years!
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I miss NY sometimes too .. The Hudson Valley is lovely ...
hello internet. i've missed you so! this dial-up connection may be free, but man - it's bullshit! luckily, my house may be upgrading next month. hell yes! high speed... wireless... damn, i think i need to change my shorts
so, yeah... oly is the same. we've got two friends of ours moving into the infamous Sawyer St house with us. they're a welcome addition. with...
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so, yeah... oly is the same. we've got two friends of ours moving into the infamous Sawyer St house with us. they're a welcome addition. with...
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okay, okay - i know... i disappeared. i did. but i'm back. sleepless just south of seattle. funny how insomnia brings us together. well, school ended but not really. i'm taking fulltime summer courses too. i'm not some crazy overacheiver - no, no. no kids, i go to Evergreen. this means that this summer i'm getting full credit for going on two weeklong trips under...
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i usually ask them if they wanna hang out... after a few times hangin out i spill the beans that i got the hots for them. smooth right?

i've been a fucking basketcase for the past week. it's the end of the quarter... school work hanging over my head. i should be at the dark room already, but i'm sitting here in my pj's instead. just registered for summer & fall classes. still don't know what else i'll do in fall - need more credits.
looks like grad school will cost what would...
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glad i was able to help brighten you day and bring a smile to those lovley lips

hope the end of your school turned out a little better than mine. still with us?
time flies when you're avoiding homework. so, here i am. 2 pm on a friday. not doing homework. excellent. i've been so busy lately. arg.
the update? well, still haven't seen the ex-not-girlfriend. probably a good play on my part. aparently she's involved with some guy now. kids. i did, however, run into my ex boyfriend the other day while browzing the saw isle at...
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the update? well, still haven't seen the ex-not-girlfriend. probably a good play on my part. aparently she's involved with some guy now. kids. i did, however, run into my ex boyfriend the other day while browzing the saw isle at...
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yeah olympia is nice but i'm trying to avoid the west coast... everyone from here moves out there. so i'd rather avoid those that think that coast will cure the problems that are mostly their own bagage... so for me the east coast is what i need... that and a job...

i did finally hear back from my not-really-sort-of girlfriend. she wants to hang out. whatever, dude. i'll probably do it... cause i'm a glutton for punishment. at least i'm not all attached to her.

anyhow. it's good to stop...
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Read your March post on DVClub.
So funny, and yet so perfect.
I loved it.
So funny, and yet so perfect.
I loved it.

Jersey? thats cool whered you stop in when you were here. and Im assuming that you not still here either
i'll probably do it... cause i'm a glutton for punishment. at least i'm not all attached to her.
Ummm. yeah.Me to.

i'll probably do it... cause i'm a glutton for punishment. at least i'm not all attached to her.
Ummm. yeah.Me to.

i did finally hear back from my not-really-sort-of girlfriend. she wants to hang out. whatever, dude. i'll probably do it... cause i'm a glutton for punishment. at least i'm not all attached to her.

anyhow. it's good to stop...
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Highschool memories... ha, it's been a while- let's see what kind of shit i can dredge up:
1. What year was it? 91-96 (8th grade was in the HS)
2. What were your three favorite bands? operation ivy, misfits, fugazi
3. What was your favorite outfit? torn jeans, band t-shirts, hoodies... by senior yr i had flipped out, didn't give a fuck & started showing...
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1. What year was it? 91-96 (8th grade was in the HS)
2. What were your three favorite bands? operation ivy, misfits, fugazi
3. What was your favorite outfit? torn jeans, band t-shirts, hoodies... by senior yr i had flipped out, didn't give a fuck & started showing...
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Mmmm highschool. Dont really miss it to much. Id like to go back as I am now and redo it a little diffrent though.
I'm here... i'm back. whew! school's insane right now... 2 writing classes, one photography class. a lot to be done, not much time for this now.
i did finally hear back from my not-really-sort-of girlfriend. she wants to hang out. whatever, dude. i'll probably do it... cause i'm a glutton for punishment. at least i'm not all attached to her.
anyhow. it's good to stop in and see how everyone's been holding up out there. i just got back from a cross country driving adventure. i never thought i'd be happy to see jersey... that's right tarzan, jersey. and it was great to be back in the nyc, no matter how breif the encounter. *sigh* ny will always be my real gf
so hi! and i'll write more soon.

i did finally hear back from my not-really-sort-of girlfriend. she wants to hang out. whatever, dude. i'll probably do it... cause i'm a glutton for punishment. at least i'm not all attached to her.

anyhow. it's good to stop in and see how everyone's been holding up out there. i just got back from a cross country driving adventure. i never thought i'd be happy to see jersey... that's right tarzan, jersey. and it was great to be back in the nyc, no matter how breif the encounter. *sigh* ny will always be my real gf

so hi! and i'll write more soon.

finishing up school this week. writing evaluations. going to appointments. settling plans for spring quarter. eating cookies. mmmm... cookies.
the weather's been amazing. we're talking flip-flops, t-shirts the whole nine yards. people have been out walking all kinds of dogs - which makes me happy. i'm moving my mom's stuff to my house. next weekend we drive to ny. talk about climate shock. we'll be...
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the weather's been amazing. we're talking flip-flops, t-shirts the whole nine yards. people have been out walking all kinds of dogs - which makes me happy. i'm moving my mom's stuff to my house. next weekend we drive to ny. talk about climate shock. we'll be...
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drinking red wine & listening to my house sleep. weather was amazing today. 65, clear... perfect: suck it, east coast! spring is early. it'll probably start raining again the minute we get used to it.
my first lino-cut came out awesome. i made prints of a traditional rose design. i think i'll do swallows holding a banner for my final series, maybe a sacred heart....
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my first lino-cut came out awesome. i made prints of a traditional rose design. i think i'll do swallows holding a banner for my final series, maybe a sacred heart....
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Yeah, silly. I rejected you because you had no friends, but you did not seem like a creepy scary, so I befriended you. Your only problem then was your newness. So now you are in like flint.

yeah, i really don't want to go to iowa. i don't care if people say it's the best mfa program out there, i just don't want to be in that environment.
add me to your im list and im me sometime and i'll let you read some of my work. i'd rather not post it on sg, just because...i dunno. i'm a dork.
add me to your im list and im me sometime and i'll let you read some of my work. i'd rather not post it on sg, just because...i dunno. i'm a dork.
avoiding homework... 20 pg paper in 4 hrs? not fucking likely. probably hand in something i wrote for something else, shhh, don't tell. finished Sandman. holy, fucking. shit. that comic book is my new girlfriend.
now, i'll read the Death series & Dreamhunters. yep: dork.
been planning my new tattoo. hoping to get work done by april & it has to be perfect before i...
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now, i'll read the Death series & Dreamhunters. yep: dork.
been planning my new tattoo. hoping to get work done by april & it has to be perfect before i...
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I actually used to be hardcore into regular comic titles like deadpool, vampi, alot of stuff Image was bringing out, but then they stoped carrying my titles and I dont even know if their arround anymore. Now im super super into manga, anime comicbooks. (their printed right to left) so I think that I outnerd you.
Thats cool that youre able to so stuff that you want in your classes. I HATED 2D design class, everything had to be abstract and non-representational or he wouldnt take it.
Luck with that paper stuff, mine are comming up soon enough to.
Thats cool that youre able to so stuff that you want in your classes. I HATED 2D design class, everything had to be abstract and non-representational or he wouldnt take it.
Luck with that paper stuff, mine are comming up soon enough to.
thought i'd say hi to sg land before retiring to the nerdary to geek out.
tonight i shall read the last book in The Sandman series, "the wake". holy shit, am i pumped. yep, told you: geek-tacular. i got home from class, ate some leftover pasta & now i'm about to settle in and read til i'm done. top that for excitement!

yeah its nerdy as shit, but i do it all the time. but with even nerdier books.
Its fun to lose youre self in them.

Its fun to lose youre self in them.

i love comics but i still haven't read the sandman series it's too nerdy for me
just kidding i just don't have the money to throw into it... my buddy had allmost the entire collection but i think one of his exes stole them...