Buffy burning up to Disc 5 season 4,...
what were your favorite moments (they can big or sweetly mundane) of 2005?
A) Top 3 moments of 2005?
Resuming speaking to my littlest brother again. We hadn't spoken for 2 years. I'm grudge holding that way.
B)Going to Disneyland and then breaking up with my Girlfriend of 3 years.
C)Going to Toronto for CIM and winning the award for best new western representative. (it was nice to be able to do some of my old school magic)
--favorite books, movies, articles, tv shows, live performances?
Most entertaining the Election scandal. Man, I watched that every day hoping for a toppling of the liberals.
--what are you the most proud of in this last year?
Hanging out with my friends more and accomplishing one of my resolutions.
--what do you forgive yourself for?
Getting drunk and being a jerk. I seem to do that every other month.
--what are you deeply grateful for?
My family. My little nephew was born this year, and he's everybodies favorite new addition. He's so cute.
--what are the biggest differences for you between last December to this one? (example: are you in a different place geographically, spiritually, emotionally, physically; do you feel better, worse; do you feel more experienced at something?)
I'm free of a girlfriend, reattached to a family.
--did you have enough fun this year?
Yes. If I really let loose I think my head would not be able to handle it.
--did you say 'no' often enough?
to what? Are you kidding?
--did you say 'yes' often enough?
Maybe not quite. 2 occasions I missed because I just wasn't there mentally.
--what excites you the most about this coming year?
Sadly nothing.
--what new thing will you try (big or small) that youve never tried before?
Nope not a thought. I'm so jaded.
--what new commitments can you make to yourself?
Meeting new people. Going out once a month.
My resolution? Actively work on getting to know these girls that I wind up spending time with better. They all seem so interesting at first. Then it's nothing. Kaput. Either they're loonies, or we just don't click. I am still going to be super picky this coming year for GF's, so maybe less one nighters for me.
what were your favorite moments (they can big or sweetly mundane) of 2005?
A) Top 3 moments of 2005?
Resuming speaking to my littlest brother again. We hadn't spoken for 2 years. I'm grudge holding that way.
B)Going to Disneyland and then breaking up with my Girlfriend of 3 years.
C)Going to Toronto for CIM and winning the award for best new western representative. (it was nice to be able to do some of my old school magic)
--favorite books, movies, articles, tv shows, live performances?
Most entertaining the Election scandal. Man, I watched that every day hoping for a toppling of the liberals.
--what are you the most proud of in this last year?
Hanging out with my friends more and accomplishing one of my resolutions.
--what do you forgive yourself for?
Getting drunk and being a jerk. I seem to do that every other month.
--what are you deeply grateful for?
My family. My little nephew was born this year, and he's everybodies favorite new addition. He's so cute.
--what are the biggest differences for you between last December to this one? (example: are you in a different place geographically, spiritually, emotionally, physically; do you feel better, worse; do you feel more experienced at something?)
I'm free of a girlfriend, reattached to a family.
--did you have enough fun this year?
Yes. If I really let loose I think my head would not be able to handle it.
--did you say 'no' often enough?
to what? Are you kidding?
--did you say 'yes' often enough?
Maybe not quite. 2 occasions I missed because I just wasn't there mentally.
--what excites you the most about this coming year?
Sadly nothing.
--what new thing will you try (big or small) that youve never tried before?
Nope not a thought. I'm so jaded.
--what new commitments can you make to yourself?
Meeting new people. Going out once a month.
My resolution? Actively work on getting to know these girls that I wind up spending time with better. They all seem so interesting at first. Then it's nothing. Kaput. Either they're loonies, or we just don't click. I am still going to be super picky this coming year for GF's, so maybe less one nighters for me.
--what excites you the most about this coming year?
Sadly nothing.
Yeah, that sums up my thoughts on the upcoming year too