a million dollars if you can answer either of these questions for me:
why is my liver hatin' on me so much?
and why are cute boys continually playing hockey with my heart?
anyone? bueller?
a) as it turns out my liver hates me 'cause of all the advil i've been pumping into it. alas, advil is one of the main reasons i was able to get off of narcotic pain meds a year or so back. so for now, i'm still frakking exhausted all of the time, but things are looking up. hopefully with going off the advil everything will normalize and i won't hafta take any additional meds to treat the liver inflammation (and here i thought advil was an anti-inflammatory!)
b) yes, cute boy has officially found somebody else, promptly stopped texting me with declarations of how amazing i am and how much he likes me, and now refuses to talk about it. i wish him all the best, honestly. he was an effing great kisser, so i miss that, but mostly i just miss my buddy, ya know? i don't really have any friends who were into the same stuff that we both are. my primary partner sorta is into the same stuff, but perhaps not with the same fervor. so now i'm just not contacting him, tho hopefully at some point we can at least be pseudo friends.
i realized that, since i have a primary partnership, when another relationship ends it feels far more akin to losing yer best friend, either 'cause of a fight or (the more common scenario) when they meet somebody new and you don't see them for months 'cause they're so twitterpated. do you feel that way when you break-up with somebody?
this is my problem: boys who like to read. i can't help it! i once got a crush on a boy when i saw the huge stack of harper's magazines in his bathroom. and it's surprisingly rare to find people who just genuinely love to read, love libraries, love bookstores, love books. my bf loves books and libraries, but he doesn't really love to read as voraciously as i do. and other loves will usually come first. it's pitiful, really, my obsession with boys who read. i believe it stems from growing up in small town america and meeting so many people who just don't like to read. not that there's anything wrong with that - i just probly won't have a crush on you unless you do.
a million dollars if you can answer either of these questions for me:
why is my liver hatin' on me so much?
and why are cute boys continually playing hockey with my heart?
anyone? bueller?

a) as it turns out my liver hates me 'cause of all the advil i've been pumping into it. alas, advil is one of the main reasons i was able to get off of narcotic pain meds a year or so back. so for now, i'm still frakking exhausted all of the time, but things are looking up. hopefully with going off the advil everything will normalize and i won't hafta take any additional meds to treat the liver inflammation (and here i thought advil was an anti-inflammatory!)
b) yes, cute boy has officially found somebody else, promptly stopped texting me with declarations of how amazing i am and how much he likes me, and now refuses to talk about it. i wish him all the best, honestly. he was an effing great kisser, so i miss that, but mostly i just miss my buddy, ya know? i don't really have any friends who were into the same stuff that we both are. my primary partner sorta is into the same stuff, but perhaps not with the same fervor. so now i'm just not contacting him, tho hopefully at some point we can at least be pseudo friends.
i realized that, since i have a primary partnership, when another relationship ends it feels far more akin to losing yer best friend, either 'cause of a fight or (the more common scenario) when they meet somebody new and you don't see them for months 'cause they're so twitterpated. do you feel that way when you break-up with somebody?
this is my problem: boys who like to read. i can't help it! i once got a crush on a boy when i saw the huge stack of harper's magazines in his bathroom. and it's surprisingly rare to find people who just genuinely love to read, love libraries, love bookstores, love books. my bf loves books and libraries, but he doesn't really love to read as voraciously as i do. and other loves will usually come first. it's pitiful, really, my obsession with boys who read. i believe it stems from growing up in small town america and meeting so many people who just don't like to read. not that there's anything wrong with that - i just probly won't have a crush on you unless you do.

4 months later without changing my lifestyle and it had great results.
Here's an NIH report you can direct your physician to: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11735632