It's been a weird time since I last updated. Work hasn't changed much its still that boring kind of fun work that makes you not quit but i've lost my desire to overacheive at it, maybe I just need the vaction i'm taking Feb 7th. I'm going to go to florida for a week and other then the hotel and flight I havnt decided on...
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Well it's been a crazy few weeks. My internet went out and it honestly took the cable company 20 days to come out and tell me that the cable had come unhooked someplace outside and that it should all be fixed now, and then they got pissed when I asked for a credit for the days I didn't have internet/cable. So I argue with them...
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So frustrated right now. I just got off work about an hour ago and I still havnt let what happened at work go. There's this lady who's a thief and we know it(I havnt been able to catch her myself but others have) and she was recently banned from the store. So she comes in and I send my underling after her incase she steals...
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Haha gotta love my job. Got the lady today for criminal trespassing.
So it's been forever since i've written anything. Thats typical I guess. I don't have so much to really say this time around but lets see what I can ramble on about for a little while.

I really havn't been doing much lately, been working alot. Almost caught me some shoplifters this weekend so that was kind of exciting. Maybe they'll return this week and...
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Alright so I love my job yet hate my life... how does one handle that? I moved 3 hours away from the closest person I have and yet I still can't get past the fact that I would love to marry an ex of mine. I guess I'm damaged goods in this world. I have no intentions of being close to anyone who can't make...
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So I finally got a weekend to just stay home, do nothing and clean a bit. It's been nice, the last month or so I've been running around like sprinter on my days off doing things, and frankly the duplex has just taken it to the chin as far as maintaince goes. The lawn needed mowed, floors need cleaned etc. It's nice to finally catch...
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