Got some of those $4 Pocket Penguin books. Reading about their original intent -- providing affordable books to the general public -- I think they've strayed a little. I saw their new editions of the Deptford Trilogy. $19 each. How the hell is that affordable? I think I'm going to stick to my used books from now on.
More Blogs
Thursday Oct 06, 2005
Things seem a fair bit better than they were. Always nice once class… -
Tuesday Sep 20, 2005
Whoa, I've been gone for a while it seems. Things have just been sup… -
Tuesday Aug 30, 2005
After a few days of crappy food (my dad suggested I eat birthday cak… -
Sunday Aug 28, 2005
Someone requested my password be changed... That shit ain't cool. -
Monday Aug 22, 2005
So I'm too drunk and I'm too old. Apparently Tommy Lee grabbed my fr… -
Friday Aug 12, 2005
Weeeeeird week. After finally sobering up from my week-long birthday… -
Thursday Aug 04, 2005
Happy birthday, me!!! One more year and I can drink in the states...… -
Monday Aug 01, 2005
I managed to sober up at some point yesterday afternoon. Wowzers. So… -
Thursday Jul 28, 2005
House to myself for 4 days... Huzzah! Man, I'd feel so lame still li… -
Sunday Jul 24, 2005
Avoiding the scale and I've started knitting a scarf for Neil. Seems…