The most random thing ever happened today. The cute gay boy I've been taking the bus with for the past few years actually talked to me. Damn nice guy and only 3 years older. It's about freaking time... I need to get over this crippling fear of talking to random people I might actually like. Now if I can just strike up a conversation with the girl with the dreds who works at Second Cup and also takes said bus... because damn I'm crushing.
More Blogs
Thursday Oct 06, 2005
Things seem a fair bit better than they were. Always nice once class… -
Tuesday Sep 20, 2005
Whoa, I've been gone for a while it seems. Things have just been sup… -
Tuesday Aug 30, 2005
After a few days of crappy food (my dad suggested I eat birthday cak… -
Sunday Aug 28, 2005
Someone requested my password be changed... That shit ain't cool. -
Monday Aug 22, 2005
So I'm too drunk and I'm too old. Apparently Tommy Lee grabbed my fr… -
Friday Aug 12, 2005
Weeeeeird week. After finally sobering up from my week-long birthday… -
Thursday Aug 04, 2005
Happy birthday, me!!! One more year and I can drink in the states...… -
Monday Aug 01, 2005
I managed to sober up at some point yesterday afternoon. Wowzers. So… -
Thursday Jul 28, 2005
House to myself for 4 days... Huzzah! Man, I'd feel so lame still li… -
Sunday Jul 24, 2005
Avoiding the scale and I've started knitting a scarf for Neil. Seems…