It must be the holiday season, as I once again have a sudden, inexplicable urge to buy the latest electronic gadgets. robot

I already broke down and purchased an mp3 player (Creative Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra; I laugh at your iPod!). The only problem is, while it's nice to have instant access to my (ridiculously) large music collection, I don't really need it. I don't go...
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The only time using "Excellent" in normal everyday speech should be considered acceptable is A) If you can somehow replicate the guitar solo noise that follows the Bill & Ted version , or B) If it's done with an evil grin , wringing of the hands , and said like Montgomery Burns from the Simpsons . wink

I too have this urge to buy useless electronic gadgets , but I am able to fight this terrible urge with my powerful lack of finances . confused

[Edited on Dec 07, 2004 3:27AM]
Today I met a guy with a pretty large collection of unread Shakespeare. He buys the books with the intention of reading them, only to never get around to it. They just sit around until, finally, they stop being thought of as books and just become his favorite thing to hide porn under.

I thought I was the only one who did that. confused

(Sign of...
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um, i always hide my porn in with my comics.
Interestingly enough, I hide Shakespeare under my porn.
Like most nights for the past three weeks, the Mexican family next door is playing rap-mariachi music very, very loudly. And, like always, there are six or seven very drunk men sitting on the porch and singing along to the music.

Normally, this doesn't bother me. I've actually started to enjoy the rap-mariachi genre, as it's quite catchy.

But it stopped being funny when one...
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ahhh, Lake Elsinore...

Actually it starts being funny again when strut over to their house, call them Homies, then talk about your love of the recent imigration sweeps and then run for your life. At this point it becomes hilarious.

[Edited on Nov 24, 2004 3:11PM]
My neighbors are playing just regular rap music very loudly . I only WISH it was rap mariachi . frown

My advice . Take cover and call out an air strike . If that fails dust off and nuke the site from orbit . It's the only way to be sure . wink
I'm afraid that I just don't believe this . I'm no expert in the field or anything , but if comic books have taught me anything it's that cosmic radiation always turns normal humans into giant rock monsters or super stretchy people or something . Since we are just normal hairless monkeys it CAN'T be true . Right ? confused
I guess it IS possible that there were radioactive super monkeys back in pre-history when this event transpired . Then those super powered monkeys were in turn defeated by evil super intelligent hyper-monkeys . Those super intelligent hyper-monkeys in turn became us . We are the spawn of evil genius super monkey villains . ooo aaa shocked

Who knew that all of those stories about Gorilla Grodd in Flash were actually based on TRUE stories . eeek
I, robot.
So for the third time in as many months I find myself living in a different house. skull

The place I'm in now is bizarre. It claims to be a city, but is far too rural to qualify. There are patches of civilization. I'll be driving around and randomly wind up on a street that has a ton of major chain stores for maybe a block...
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Atrus (the bunny) is a refrence to MYST, and old school video game

Atrus is the main character, played by Rand Miller, creator of the series. He's awesome.

What Happens When You Have No Inspiration And Watch Too Much Sopranos (The Crappy Seasons)

“Cast down your weapons and we promise you’ll only be maimed,” promised the policeman with the megaphone. “Otherwise we swear to every god, goddess, demon, and buddha in the book that we will napalm this entire block.”
Within minutes the kidnappers marched out, single file and with hands on heads,...
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you get a special 'limited edition' comment from me becuase you are actually active here on SG and thats becoming more rare.


_mith ARRR!!!
Che Guevara? I bet he got all the chicks.

You know, I'm glad you used the name O'Malley. It's been slipping in popularity and it's really up to us to keep it alive! Program robots to kill? Hmmm...
Breaking down the fire was a hassle, it seemed, because the fire only stopped when it rained. Seven pounds of timber fed it so constantly that the heat exuded made metal melt, much to chagrin of car buff Danny McGland who later found his brakes wouldn’t work. For now, though, he was alive.
Seventeen good buddies and a few random jerks watched the embers dance,...
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I feel strangely amused by the idea that I may , in fact , be an Earth-Herpe . The atmospher must then be a planetary condom to prevent us from infecting other planets . It's sad that the Earth's such a slut . wink

[Edited on Oct 21, 2004 8:51PM]
That last line is classic. biggrin
Why I Am A Loser - Reason 728

I went to a friend's party last night. Not being one for parties, I spent the first half drinking alone in a corner and the second half playing Halo.

Around one, this drunk girl sat next to me and we started talking. It was mostly just small talk and bullshit about games. All the while I played...
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I hope you're limber , because I must now command you to kick yourself in the ass until you learn your lesson . The lesson is this...GIRLS are more fun to play with than video games...with the possible exception of GTA:Vice City . biggrin
It's ok, dude. I think you know I've got some incidences that can match or top that.
Don't know who else has been watching this, but I seem to be addicted to the VH1 special "And You Don't Stop: 30 Years of Hip Hop."

I don't even like hip hop. But the stories are utterly fascinating.
I've been watching the steady decline of VH1 into clip shows ... but I seem to have missed this one. I must find it.
Here's a story so bizarre IT HAS TO BE TRUE.

So I moved back to southern California recently (did I forget to mention that? shocked ). And during my first weekend back, this community college I'd never heard of was having some fair or something. I didn't want to go, but two friends of mine whom I haven't seen in about a year did. So I...
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That's BULLSHIT!!!! I would have angrily demanded a recount for that dating thing and then threatened to call the ACLU if I didn't win siting blatant prejudice against Half-Alien Americans or something ( Just to go out in a blaze of glory biggrin ) .

It's hard to live in a world that doesn't respect a good movie reference and/or quote . ESPECIALLY a Star Wars reference!!!!! That's just plain unacceptable . I work for a company that manufactures and sells furniture . One time I was taking a customer's order out to them . It was a futon . So I put it on a cart and launched it towards the people that hand out the orders and yelled " FIRE FUTON TORPEDO!!!! " , which I thought was pretty damn funny .


What a waste of a perfectly good obscure Sci-Fi reference . frown
I actually haven't seen the Regis Philbin thingy yet . Nine times out of ten , though , if Regis is involved it turns out to be insanely moronic . Once I have the "privelage" of viewing it , I'll get back to you . biggrin
A funny, yet profound, quote from TheXAxis.com on the current Cable and Deadpool comic:

"Anyway. Cable is Jesus, only cooler, because he has guns. If Jesus had had guns, Christianity would have been much better. A semi-automatic assault weapon beats a tambourine every time."