"What is the central truth behind Marxism-Lennonism , Erisianism, Discordianism, Zen without Zen Masters? On this point, our leading atheologians are in agreement?and disagreement (as might be expected). Mal says, simply, "God is a crazy woman and Her name is Eris." Ho says more abstractly and less figuratively, "Hell is reserved exclusively for them that believe in it." Camden says concisely, "If we believe enough, there will be whatamores. Do we really want any?" Mordecai the Foul merely exclaims "Fnord!" and hits you with a stick if you ask again." "But Seriously, folks (as Bob Hope always says) Zen Without Zen Masters like all other aspects of Operation Mindfuck, is not a complicated joke disguised as a new form of Buddhism. It is a new form of Buddhism disguised as a complicated joke. Guerilla ontology. Epistemological judo. If you don't laugh at all, you've missed the point. If you only laugh, you've missed your chance for Illumination. As Lichtenberg said elsewhere, "This book is a mirror. If a monkey looks in, no philosopher looks out."? Robert Anton Wilson, forward to Zen without Zen Masters.
[Edited on Oct 22, 2003 7:16PM]