Notes on the Function of the Outlaw as Anti-Role
By Thomas Tripp, revolutionary anarchist prisoner
The days pass and we watch them go by in our cages and cubicle-cages. From behind a short-order grill we sense the trickling away of a lifetime. Here in prison the lucky or soulless are afforded certain privileges the ability to wear pants, for example, or a pass to to...
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By Thomas Tripp, revolutionary anarchist prisoner
The days pass and we watch them go by in our cages and cubicle-cages. From behind a short-order grill we sense the trickling away of a lifetime. Here in prison the lucky or soulless are afforded certain privileges the ability to wear pants, for example, or a pass to to...
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Elen sla lumenn' omentielvo
A star shines on the hour of our meeting
A star shines on the hour of our meeting
as an alternate to saying "you all suck" i thought of using one of livejournal friend's lines in the same situation:
"given that i have received no comments, i will assume you all have died. my condolences."
wooohoo! recipe! yummmmmmm. thanks!
"given that i have received no comments, i will assume you all have died. my condolences."
wooohoo! recipe! yummmmmmm. thanks!
A salute to those who provide my coffee.
Cafe Mam Coffee
Cafe Mam (sounds like `mom`) is grown by ISMAM (Indigenous Peoples of the Sierra Madre of Motozintla), a co-operative of native Mayan farmers living in the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. The growers are of the Mam Tzetzal ad Moche peoples. ISMAM is organized on egalitarian democratic ideals that stress responsibility to the co-op, hard...
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Cafe Mam Coffee
Cafe Mam (sounds like `mom`) is grown by ISMAM (Indigenous Peoples of the Sierra Madre of Motozintla), a co-operative of native Mayan farmers living in the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. The growers are of the Mam Tzetzal ad Moche peoples. ISMAM is organized on egalitarian democratic ideals that stress responsibility to the co-op, hard...
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All hail the coffee gods and Eris too!
Ummmmmmm, coffee!
Ummmmmmm, coffee!
w3rd! Dont you love anarchist banterings! They always lead to drinking and living with some brain damaged hoe who you thought was the shit because she could out Marx you.
ashcroft is the devil. we must do all in our power to get him the fuck out of power.
The poet is a good friend of mine.
This poem speaks of the death of two good friends of mine. The first by suicide. The second by autoerotic asphyxiation. Yeh, he killed himself masturbating. This friend was my best friend. Today marks the fourth anniversary of his death.
This poem speaks of the death of two good friends of mine. The first by suicide. The second by autoerotic asphyxiation. Yeh, he killed himself masturbating. This friend was my best friend. Today marks the fourth anniversary of his death.
I understand how you feel, I'm comming up on a two year aniversery of the death of a girl who had planned to come live with me, the night she called me to tell me she was going to get on a plane the next day, we talked until 5:00am....
Then the next day...
I've written more than my share of verse about her, it only helps so much.
Then the next day...
I've written more than my share of verse about her, it only helps so much.
Discordian metaphysics states that out of "pure chaos" came the artificial concepts of order and disorder. "Apparent order" is considered the "Aneristic Principle" and "apparent disorder" is considered the "Eristic Principle".
"Mind" is a concept making apparatus which we use to perceive reality. What we perceive or conceptualize are actually only maps or grids of reality which we have drawn by looking through "windows". Different...
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"Mind" is a concept making apparatus which we use to perceive reality. What we perceive or conceptualize are actually only maps or grids of reality which we have drawn by looking through "windows". Different...
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"What is the central truth behind Marxism-Lennonism , Erisianism, Discordianism, Zen without Zen Masters? On this point, our leading atheologians are in agreement?and disagreement (as might be expected). Mal says, simply, "God is a crazy woman and Her name is Eris." Ho says more abstractly and less figuratively, "Hell is reserved exclusively for them that believe in it." Camden says concisely, "If we believe enough,...
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Anyone know how I can turn on the use of HTML for journal entries?
[Edited on Oct 22, 2003 7:16PM]
[Edited on Oct 22, 2003 7:16PM]
iono about html, but robert anton wilson rocks my fucking world. so many happy allusions i could dance. i think i willlll! oh wait. i'm in the library. bugger.
O.k. that was bad. I learned it a British anarchist former political prisoner who I looked up to in HS. But damn, I realized he's a dork like the rest of us.
*Note to self, learn more anarchist jokes.*
I honestly don't know what to think about people discussing me. That's weird. I hope I misunderstood that post.
I almost never post about my position on subjects on the message board. I'll post my opinion, but that, oddly, will almost never reveal my position.I started a stealing thread once (Things I Stole Today), and was almost castrated for it. It taught me all I need to know about the SuicideGirls boards, ie, they don't want a revolution, and don't believe in alternate methods of obtaining property. I changed my original posts, because it didn't seem worth it to tell people my opinion on a website where none of it matters. So when a stealing thread popped up again, I decided to stay way the hell away from it. Despite my intentions, I found myself posting on it. I still avoided giving my position, opting instead for ambiguity and humour (again, it was probably only funny to me). I just don't care enough about the politics of most of these people; the people I do care about I care about because they share my particular written sense of humour, or at least get it. As soon as it became obvious that this wasn't going to be the source of the revolution, I took it for what it was: a porn site with funny message boards.
Look, if you would like me to remove you from my friends list, I could. It would be no problem, and no skin off my back. Maybe I'm too much "the man" for you; that's cool. Just let me know.