Its been a long time. far too long. Yet a day doesnt go by that i dont think of this.
" I saw her today. Almost a year and a half later and there she is ten feet away facing me eating a slice of pizza. It was just as hard as i imagined it to be. To look at her face and itemize all...
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" I saw her today. Almost a year and a half later and there she is ten feet away facing me eating a slice of pizza. It was just as hard as i imagined it to be. To look at her face and itemize all...
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I saw her today. Almost a year and a half later and there she is ten feet away facing me eating a slice of pizza. It was just as hard as i imagined it to be. To look at her face and itemize all of my mistakes. To hear her voice and retrace all of my selfish actions. To remember the way it felt to...
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I feel like my heart just sank deep into my stomache. This is too deep to express <3
thank you. your words and emotions are very kind.
"This is starting to wear me thin" That thought has crossed my mind quite a few times on this, my last, deployment. Granted being 27 and feeling almost 40 doesn't help but its not the age difference between myself and most of the marines around me which, in quite a few cases, is almost a decade. No its the lack of respect Not so much...
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Thank you for your words. I appreciate them and I hope you find your love.
I may be Canadian but I appreciate your service as much as I do of the Canadian Forces in my own country.
I may be Canadian but I appreciate your service as much as I do of the Canadian Forces in my own country.
so i just looked at my friends and I'm friends with my self does that make me egotistical? i don't know but i think it would if i put my self in my top 8.
I'm my own best friend, call me egotistical! haha.
December eh? You can do it! You can ride it out! Or... I could send you a youtube link to a little video my dad put together from it? lol.
December eh? You can do it! You can ride it out! Or... I could send you a youtube link to a little video my dad put together from it? lol.
you tube huh? i think theres a couple of vids on there from my guys i remember seeing one. well were over half way there only about 14 weeks left. where was your dad? haha. oh and btw your i"ncandescent" set...OMG... absolutely drop dead gorgeous like it should be illegal. I'm jut saying.