I hate feeling this obligation to update and having nothing to say.

All I've been doing is working and being anti-social when I'm not having to be around people.

I cleaned the house a lot yesterday...very good.

Been trying to work on my anxiety issues. Its hard work.
Hey, that's pretty much my life right now. Other than work, I don't think I've hung out with anyone for weeks.
Hanging out and being social is over-rated. Quality "me time" allows you to get stuff done. Having said that, I really need to get the fuck out of the apartment soon - Hermitization is setting in smile
Entertain me...

Distract me from the 8 page reading journal I have to pull out of my ass tonight.

AIM: notadirtyhippie

You don't need distractions. Crank out that journal so you can get blotto this weekend. Don't make me crack the whip.
Durr, of course I remember you. I work at the Urban Bar in the Old City now. I don't get to hand out free vinyls anymore... but I sometimes hand out free drinks.

Did you ever open that neat shop you were talking about? I hope so. I want to come buy things.
I'm back bitches!!

At least for a short time until I can no longer afford cable internet or SG one...lol

Um, that doesn't really narrow down to but a small gaggle of guys. Be more specific?
bring beer? wink
I was looking at the set of the day and thinking of how boring it was in comparision to Sunday's'.

And I noticed her stupid freakin' star tattoos...which you guys have heard me rant about on numerous occasions.

OK, yeah, I'm off my meds so I have been super irritable today. This one girl sorta know came in and bought a star belt and...
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Go for 'Anal Slut' right above the ass.
Woops, that was me posting as runnerguy. He left his damn account open on my computer!!
So early in the day and I've already had to contend with airport security and deal with drama.

Root Canal took two hours, not done yet though. I can eat fine, no cold sensitivity either! woo!

Read this bunch of shit if you are a knoxville local or ever support local "gothic happenings" like I have for the past 2 years as a member and...
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It looks like you're gettin ready to dip 'em in your drink to make 'em extra whiskey tastin' shocked
I've been so busy, I think I'm gawna dieeeee....

I may be seeking alternate employment soon...my fav manager is no longer at HT.

Bleh..things are gonna go to shit.

I am only off today because I called in...sooo tired. And I have so far cleaned all day and moved shit of my dads into the storage building.

Please come to this if you are in...
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hope things settle down for you... i'm feeling you today... work was INSANE!!!
you want me to come to The End! the end of everything is at Fairbanks...how bizarre...unfortunally I will be at a bluegrass festival in the middle of tennessee on the 3rd o July shocked
My job is gonna pay for me to see Skinny Puppy and Siouxsie!

Frickin' Yippee.

I know I need to update on Philly, but it takes so much time, even though I type fast. This week I started Field School...digging at the Marble Springs Historic Site.

Just so you know, archaeological sites are designated by state number (ours is 40) county (KN) and then sites...
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I just got back from watching fireflies in the mountains. They are special because they light in patterns. Apparently there are 100 males to one female in this particular species, and they cluster and light in reaction to each other, which appears as patterns to the observer, downright hallucinatory.

Amazing, one of the most beautiful, mystical things I have every seen. Clear sky, bright stars, dark ancient forest, mountain stream, sound of water and wind, thousands of glowing pixies dancing together, lighting the path through the mountains.

You may want to go check it out. It is in Elkmont, between Gatlinburg and Cades Cove, or Greenbriar, at the Ramsey Cascade Trail. Id be happy to show you the way, or go with. The peak is this week, and then the phenomenon of fireflies will begin to diminish.

I have a present for you, and I bet you can guess what it is. Not to be ridiculous, just fun, I can even hide it in a location to preserve your anonymity; we have to keep your collection complete.

Hows the digs. Time encapsulated in soil. I cant keep from seeing future archeologist sifting through our remains with a sense of wonder.

One favorite triptych, Umbilicus Mundi (World Navel), is two bronze female (naval centric) bellies flanking two columns coiling together, rising to a winged oval shape. For the show, I packed them in shipping crates as if they were an archeological find. The idea was for people to see the art as representations of the some unknown or lost peoples cultural values.

Keep us updated to what you find. We await with baited breath. If you ever need anything give a howler. Visiting sounds pretty cool. Have an awesome time at the show.

Take care.
I know I should update...this and my xanga. But I'm sooo tired.

I should tell you about my trip to Philly, and my class that started yesterday...


Wear...a cape..dun dun dunnnn skull
hey its nice u going to take care of your friend but i am a yank, i got to say the ripper(tim ownes) said it best.......

Just a mile or so away
Is my dearest friend in this world.
He wears the Blue and I the Grey
And god it hurts me so
The last time we were together
I grabbed his hand and I pledged
If I ever draw my sword on you
May the good lord strike me dead.