So, I just finished watching "I Want You Back" on Amazon. Normally, I wouldn't really watch a movie like it but I really like Charlie Day and the trailer looked pretty funny so I gave it a watch. I actually really enjoyed it. It had enough of the romantic comedy aspects to make it romantic comedy but didn't go for the over the top, cheesy, roll your eyes moments. I never once felt like it was trying to hard or that it felt unbelievable. The plot was simple, fun and made sense.
The comedy was good. I can't say I had any real laugh out loud moments but it had that feel good humor with some laughs even if all the jokes didn't really work which they rarely, if ever, do. However what really made it a good movie were the performances especially Charlie Day and Jenny Slate. Both of their characters felt very real, genuine and extremely likeable. Even more importantly, they had exceptional chemistry. It's obvious from the beginning they are going to get together it's not at all a spoiler. They really do come across as perfect for one another and it's done at a nice and believable pace. They don't really fall for each other too slowly or quickly and there is a dialogue line in the movie that really works into that. I really felt myself rooting for them even though I knew it was a romantic comedy so they would end up together in the end.
Even the other characters work really way, most of them in an unlikeable character way. Now, this doesn't distract or hinder the movie. It just even more so drives on the point that the original couples were completely incompatible and their SOs were honestly pretty annoying and unlikeable people. It doesn't come across as grating or unnerving, it's acted very well and works. It can be somewhat stereotypical points and flaws with the characters but that's actually very realistic. Even the main two (Day and Slate) also have their issues they have to confront and overcome.
In the end, if you are looking for a good movie to watch with your partner, this is highly recommended as I feel people both sides of the relationship will find something to enjoy. However, I do have to point out that this is from a heterosexual male perspective that has only been in heterosexual relationships. I cannot honestly give any other viewpoint. However, it's also a movie I think people can enjoy just as it is. It doesn't necessarily have to be a date night or romantic watch. I honestly feel that it's part of it's charm and really works as a feel good movie, with enough humor to make it funny enough but also really well acted and likeable characters.
If you haven't seen it or are on the fence like I originally was, give it a watch.