I'm drunk. SCOTCH drunk. Good times.
Update: Ok, so this is what I remember... My buddy took me to some place to have drinks. We got ripped on Sotch, and then we started playing with the free internet access this place had. Bad idea. My buddy and I did a search for "Vegas" girls and started posting in them. Thank GOD none of it turned out to be offensive. Ahhhh.... to be young!

Update: Ok, so this is what I remember... My buddy took me to some place to have drinks. We got ripped on Sotch, and then we started playing with the free internet access this place had. Bad idea. My buddy and I did a search for "Vegas" girls and started posting in them. Thank GOD none of it turned out to be offensive. Ahhhh.... to be young!
Once, while I was completely shit faced, I left around eleven straight messages on a friends answering machine trying to tell this elaborate story of some events I saw on the Bee over New Years on a friends answering machine in itty bitty twenty second blocks each.
So, yeah, I feel you pain.