I was out in the woods seeking knowledge one day when I came across an old man sitting on a large rock by a slow moving creek. He sat in the lotus position stroking his beard and taking puffs from a long, thin pipe. He said unto me, "weary traveller, what is it that has brought you to see such an old fool as myself out in the middle of nowhere?" "Master, I am lost. I cannot see my path, it has been consummed by a great fog. Please, holy one, tell me the meaning of life so that I might know there is purpose to my struggle." The old man smiled, his eyes flickered brightly as he touched his chest and then he gave me his answer. Now, if I can only figure out what he meant by "my HEART! ack! cough! gurgle!," I'll be golden.
I can't understand! this is not "french" but it was really funny thank you because I was really sad and now I smile ^^