um, yeah. tomorrow will suck. i have to work form 10am to 10pm for the big corporate hoohah bigwig tour and then after the madness dies down by, say, friday, i will probably get back to coloring my hair again. i know this fall wil be for blood red, but for now i;m debating between blue and purple. probably purple since it's the norm for me.
i guess since i'm so embroiled in the local gay rights controversy (funny since i'm straight) and i work at a redneck-infested bakery, it doesn't matter what those inbreds think of my hair being the "gay color" even though i still insist it's fucking pink because every "flamey" guy i've met has been a pink fiend and hated purple. i should do it to spite them.
also, since my big rant was published in the local rag i've gotten little feedback other than to be told in another letter to th editor that i'm a "sodom and gomorrahite" or whatever. a lady (or girl, i dont know her so i dont know) wrote a rad letter to the paper about how the whole resistance to equal rights is based on fear andopenly calls the bigots out to say what they are so damned afraid of in allowing homosexuals to enjoy all the same rights every other citizen of this great country is supposed to enjoy.
i know from the hillbillies i work with that they seem to have a deep fear of gay guys grabbing their junk. i know that deep down it means they are simply afraid of some part of the dirty, gross, horrible homosexuality might indeed manifest itself in them. for example, getting hard from such unwanted contact.
silly, i know, except i also kind of figure if anyone grabs a penis, that penis willprobably react because nerves are sensitive regardless of sexual orientation. so i guess one could induce a mass suicide in hicks and rednecks by causing them all to think they're all secrelty "faygs."
i think the real fear, though, is just the unknown. they don' understand the concept of anything different than what they have known all their lives, and such closed-mindedness is the last thing we need telling ANYONE what to do or wh to do it.
it's like, i'm an atheist but i have read the bible. i endeavored to understand it, and came to my own conclusions. i concluded it is a bunch of nifty stories used to keep people in line and have somehting to believe in, rather than face the reaity that we are just here and fucking deal with it.
but no religious people who wish me to change my view would endeavor to understand the way i look at things, and therein lies the problem.
not everyone is a christian, so why try to push a christian morality-based law or amendment on the poplulace of a nation which has NO OFFICIAL RELIGON, NO OFFICIAL RACE and NO OFFICIAL LANGUAGE. to do so would ve a flagrant violation of the first amentment, the big one, the main right i exercise on a minutely (is that even a word?) basis.
"Congress shall pass no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peacably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
right there. no laws may be passed in deference to any religion. there is no official religion. this is not a middle eastern theocracy. this is not afghanistan. this is not england.
one friend of mine says the freedom of the press is only for the printing press, relating to printed word only, but he seems to forget the freedom of speech mentioned right before that. the government cannot stop you from saying what you feel, nor printing, nor broadcasting, since it is you freedom to express yourself.
sadly, the people so blinded by their false faith refuse to see that non-believers are guaranteed the same rights, regardless of whether they disagree. that's the wonderful thing about our country. that we can agree to disagree.
at a recent gay rights protest, a mullet-wearing, minitrucking jerk said he thought all gays should be shot. i think all idiots should be shot. i guess that cancels otu his opinion, except we are both guaranteed he right to feel thus. the difference is i do not take my rights for granted. if my rights are abridged, i WILL take matters to whatever lengths are necessary to bring things back into balance.
these rednecks won't. one guy with "former redheaded stepchild" written all over him (no diss to redheads. redheads make the world go round) and a freddie mercury moustache to match his camaro mullet, was alternating between country music, muting it, saying "fag" and unmuting the stereo. i looked at him and suggested he get out the truck and back that mouth up. he just did it again ""fag" and sped off. what a chickenshit. i would have taken great pleasure in fucking him up, as much of a hypcrite that would make me.
anyway, this is beginning to wander. point is, some people are really fucking stupid and i'm not one of them. fight for your rights or they will be taken away.
i guess since i'm so embroiled in the local gay rights controversy (funny since i'm straight) and i work at a redneck-infested bakery, it doesn't matter what those inbreds think of my hair being the "gay color" even though i still insist it's fucking pink because every "flamey" guy i've met has been a pink fiend and hated purple. i should do it to spite them.
also, since my big rant was published in the local rag i've gotten little feedback other than to be told in another letter to th editor that i'm a "sodom and gomorrahite" or whatever. a lady (or girl, i dont know her so i dont know) wrote a rad letter to the paper about how the whole resistance to equal rights is based on fear andopenly calls the bigots out to say what they are so damned afraid of in allowing homosexuals to enjoy all the same rights every other citizen of this great country is supposed to enjoy.
i know from the hillbillies i work with that they seem to have a deep fear of gay guys grabbing their junk. i know that deep down it means they are simply afraid of some part of the dirty, gross, horrible homosexuality might indeed manifest itself in them. for example, getting hard from such unwanted contact.
silly, i know, except i also kind of figure if anyone grabs a penis, that penis willprobably react because nerves are sensitive regardless of sexual orientation. so i guess one could induce a mass suicide in hicks and rednecks by causing them all to think they're all secrelty "faygs."
i think the real fear, though, is just the unknown. they don' understand the concept of anything different than what they have known all their lives, and such closed-mindedness is the last thing we need telling ANYONE what to do or wh to do it.
it's like, i'm an atheist but i have read the bible. i endeavored to understand it, and came to my own conclusions. i concluded it is a bunch of nifty stories used to keep people in line and have somehting to believe in, rather than face the reaity that we are just here and fucking deal with it.
but no religious people who wish me to change my view would endeavor to understand the way i look at things, and therein lies the problem.
not everyone is a christian, so why try to push a christian morality-based law or amendment on the poplulace of a nation which has NO OFFICIAL RELIGON, NO OFFICIAL RACE and NO OFFICIAL LANGUAGE. to do so would ve a flagrant violation of the first amentment, the big one, the main right i exercise on a minutely (is that even a word?) basis.
"Congress shall pass no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peacably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
right there. no laws may be passed in deference to any religion. there is no official religion. this is not a middle eastern theocracy. this is not afghanistan. this is not england.
one friend of mine says the freedom of the press is only for the printing press, relating to printed word only, but he seems to forget the freedom of speech mentioned right before that. the government cannot stop you from saying what you feel, nor printing, nor broadcasting, since it is you freedom to express yourself.
sadly, the people so blinded by their false faith refuse to see that non-believers are guaranteed the same rights, regardless of whether they disagree. that's the wonderful thing about our country. that we can agree to disagree.
at a recent gay rights protest, a mullet-wearing, minitrucking jerk said he thought all gays should be shot. i think all idiots should be shot. i guess that cancels otu his opinion, except we are both guaranteed he right to feel thus. the difference is i do not take my rights for granted. if my rights are abridged, i WILL take matters to whatever lengths are necessary to bring things back into balance.
these rednecks won't. one guy with "former redheaded stepchild" written all over him (no diss to redheads. redheads make the world go round) and a freddie mercury moustache to match his camaro mullet, was alternating between country music, muting it, saying "fag" and unmuting the stereo. i looked at him and suggested he get out the truck and back that mouth up. he just did it again ""fag" and sped off. what a chickenshit. i would have taken great pleasure in fucking him up, as much of a hypcrite that would make me.
anyway, this is beginning to wander. point is, some people are really fucking stupid and i'm not one of them. fight for your rights or they will be taken away.
I get mail that says "hey im going to gamble. do you want 1/2 of my winnings?"
"I blame you for me braking everything in my house."
" we both live in the valley, we should fuck"
I dont even respond to shit like that. Now my ass is a different story, I hate it and I want implants! Dammit!