Any time I'm down in the dumps, I do something so goofily stupid that I can't help but laugh, and remember that life isn't meant to taken so seriously. bok
Sockbaby is always good for a laugh.
I'm a big fan of cheering myself up by making an ass of myself. In fact, I coulod use a laugh this very moment. ANy suggestions? wink

You don't get good live music in your area? Where in Canada do you live, if you don't mind me asking?
for goofy and inexpensive kicks check this out

Microwave Grape Plasma and Fun With Grapes
Chocomel's the shit! Spent 10 daze in and around Amsterdam about 15 years ago - whew!
Bread Tags - Probably the best breadtag collecting site on the net, although it hasn't been updated in a while. In my collection I have probably 2000 of them now.
Thank you, Mr. Swamp! - 30,000 breadtags? I surrender! eeek
Well, two more weeks and I'll be off for Christmas vacation. It feels like the semester just began. At least I can get a fresh start in January.
Thanks. I actually thought of that while I was sitting on the bus with all of the wiring in a box. I didn't acually do the wiring myself. I'm not that clever, and since it was part of another project it would have been way too time consuming.

I see that you're a Pixies fan. Have you seen them live/ were they any good? I'll be seeing them this Wednesday.

Nemi is a Norwegian comic about a cute goth girl. I came across it while in Sweden, so it took me quite a while to understand the jokes smile .Luckily, the site puts up five English translations each month

Ooh, a tie would be fun to knit.

I think it's all about boring practice - then you can build up to knitting more interesting things. THis bag is just knitting and purling, but it's getting my hands used to it.

Nemi's great. I liked this one.
I'm not one for posting my journal online, so I'll just put links here to neat stuff I find on the net:
Cute microgravity girls

Just wanted to say Thank You and Welcome to Pinball Wizards.

BTW, you have interesting taste in music, I dig The Pillows too.