Expiring Milkathon Day!
I just realized I've got 2 litres of milk sitting in the fridge, and if I don't drink it all by midnight, it will explode!
I just realized I've got 2 litres of milk sitting in the fridge, and if I don't drink it all by midnight, it will explode!

I'm not a photographer but I love photography and I enjoy pics of crazy and weird stuff.
When I'm thinking about what to put up in my journal, I usually examine the way I feel at that given moment and type in a word or simple phrase for a google search of images.
Sometimes the pics I find trigger some other thought or mood and it leads me somewhere different from where I started out. Sometimes whatever comments I post along with the pics have nothing to do with the pics, and then when I read it later it seems like the mind makes a connection between the words and the image and it gives it all a different meaning.
Lately, I've had a thing for abandoned buildings...
Links to sites with photos of modern ruins.