Bread Tags - Probably the best breadtag collecting site on the net, although it hasn't been updated in a while. In my collection I have probably 2000 of them now.
Thank you, Mr. Swamp! - 30,000 breadtags? I surrender! eeek
Well, two more weeks and I'll be off for Christmas vacation. It feels like the semester just began. At least I can get a fresh start in January.
Thanks. I actually thought of that while I was sitting on the bus with all of the wiring in a box. I didn't acually do the wiring myself. I'm not that clever, and since it was part of another project it would have been way too time consuming.

I see that you're a Pixies fan. Have you seen them live/ were they any good? I'll be seeing them this Wednesday.

Nemi is a Norwegian comic about a cute goth girl. I came across it while in Sweden, so it took me quite a while to understand the jokes smile .Luckily, the site puts up five English translations each month

Ooh, a tie would be fun to knit.

I think it's all about boring practice - then you can build up to knitting more interesting things. THis bag is just knitting and purling, but it's getting my hands used to it.

Nemi's great. I liked this one.
I'm not one for posting my journal online, so I'll just put links here to neat stuff I find on the net:
Cute microgravity girls

Just wanted to say Thank You and Welcome to Pinball Wizards.

BTW, you have interesting taste in music, I dig The Pillows too.