As I do not possess the skills to vectorize or digitize any image I respect those that can and thoroughly marvel at their art. Lately I've been gah gah over James Jean. See below.

Though I believe he is technically an illustrator, a digi technical term for I don't know what.
If after you google his name and see more of his work and are as blown away by it as I am, and you are within the vicinity of the great city of New York, then by all means please join me at one of his showings at the Jonathan Levine gallery at 529 West 20th Street. Jan 10th - Feb 7th. I'm sure we can work out a good day to meet up. (Opening reception on the 10th from 6-9 pm.)
And if any of you cool cats really dug Nightmare Before Christmas, which seems to be an unspoken prerequisite for joining the site, there's a stop-animation movie coming out soon called Coraline, also by the director of Nightmare Before Christmas. It's a really good Juvenile book. I didn't actually read it but have the audiotape. I found it on amazon on sale in what I thought was book format but upon arrival at my house found it was a tape.
P.S. Thanks to all my SGNY buds for a great night out last night! Bon voyage Asterlee!, and happy birthday _bossanova_!

Though I believe he is technically an illustrator, a digi technical term for I don't know what.
If after you google his name and see more of his work and are as blown away by it as I am, and you are within the vicinity of the great city of New York, then by all means please join me at one of his showings at the Jonathan Levine gallery at 529 West 20th Street. Jan 10th - Feb 7th. I'm sure we can work out a good day to meet up. (Opening reception on the 10th from 6-9 pm.)
And if any of you cool cats really dug Nightmare Before Christmas, which seems to be an unspoken prerequisite for joining the site, there's a stop-animation movie coming out soon called Coraline, also by the director of Nightmare Before Christmas. It's a really good Juvenile book. I didn't actually read it but have the audiotape. I found it on amazon on sale in what I thought was book format but upon arrival at my house found it was a tape.
P.S. Thanks to all my SGNY buds for a great night out last night! Bon voyage Asterlee!, and happy birthday _bossanova_!
And Coraline looks adorable, i really hope its good lol
im waiting for it
How are you babes?
We have no heat bwahahaa
I'm totally down to check out some art. Let me know when you want to go. I'm off Sundays and Mondays, but Saturdays I get off at a decent hour, too (5 pm).