Sunshine is the Greatest Movie ever!...
And by greatest I mean..raging peice of shit
I normally don't do movie reviews but this is a special occasion.
This movie is so stunningly bad the only thing that could make it worse/better would be a cyborg monkey in a boxey robot suit. And in case you are worried about me ruining it for you...the only way I could ruin this movie for you is to buy you a ticket.
Let's start with the Premise...
The sun is (Ah HAHAHA) going..ahem..Out! Yes that's right forget all you ever learned in science class in 3rd grade, the sun will not explode and then collapse into a black hole.. NO! apparently it's going to blink out like a faulty flourescent bulb in a truck stop john.
And it's up to mankind to... RE-IGNITE the SUN! With a Giant Nuclear Bomb "The size of Manhattan" - Now the idea of the Nuclear warhead as a heroic device is hardly new. This lovely plot device has been used before in movies like the Deep Impact (A title which made the porn industry's job easy when they made their version) and The Core (Which until now held the title for least plausible/extraordinarilly hilarious premise).
Okay so... the Sun is 110x the size of the earth and the earth is about 300x the size of Manhattan island, give or take Iceland, and that means that the nuclear warhead we're sending to the sun is like throwing a firecracker into an erupting volcano... erupting volcano The Size Of The SUN! That's RE-RE-RE-TARDED!<br><br>Yeah..that's how we START! then we move on to the fact that they have 7 crew members which includes a Psychologist but no Medic! And the Shrink starts the movie off with an addiction to Staring into The Sun! By the middle of the movie he's peeling pieces of skin off his face. (I was very dissapointed he didn't eat them, I mean while you're busy making the Sanest person on board a looney why not really give it the old Hail Mary) He is staring at the sun through a filter and trying to up his dosage all the time.

Now. There are moments when you can watch a movie like this and still enjoy it. You say to yourself "Self, this is the fucking stupidest idea I Have ever heard! But I've got a 8 dollar ticket and a box of junior mints so let's make the best of it."
Plus I crush really hard on Michelle Yeoh everytime I see her.

The only rule you have in these situations is that when they establish rules wihtin the context of the story they don't break them. And man do they make them....
- The Human torch dude is in this and he drops a wrench in the coolant that they house the Mainframe of the ship's computer in. It is so cold that it blisters his hand instantly... you're supposed to forget this.
- They make a huge deal about the limited amount of Oxygen they have but they make the ENTIRE surface of the bomb in the big chamber capable of sustaining life. Yeah. They barely have enough oxygen for 7 people to do their job but They pump enough oxygen into the bomb chamber for you to be able to walk ALL of New York City...
- And the big one is that they are getting so close to the sun that ANYTHING that gets hit with direct sunlight burns up like tissue paper. ANYTHING! Steel melts. people fry like popcorn in a fire pit.
There are a lot of people who actually like this movie and I credit the failing/underfunded public school system. Because the fact that it is well acted simply means the actors are not to blame for what a raging turd box this movie is. And the Scientific premises put forth are ALL ridiculous and completely without logic on suc h a scale that My cousin Kip and I started Giggling.. I shit you not..Giggling during all the exposition..
Spoiler warning !
The movie deviates from it's original plot direction to send the ship callled Icarus II... to slingshot around mercury and intercept Icarus I..which has been floating near the sun for 7 years. (Even though it has NO reverse engines. and the Sun's gravity would have pulled it into a declining orbit the minute it passed mercury... Kip said they must have one hell of a parking break) <br><br>Now... naming the Ships after Icarus...who flew too close to the Sun and burned either completely ignorant or the WORST piece of foreshadowing Ever.
But that aside the ship reaches the Icarus I and because of a 1 degree miscalculation the sun destroys 4 panels on the sheild on the front of the ship, the radio tower AND the food/oxygen garden. This drives the navigator to become suicidal and gets the Captain killed fixing the panels. He burns alive when he is hit with a sunlight tidal wave...during which the ships Shrink is yelling "Tell me What you See! Tell ME What You SEE!"... which is beyond nuts..and NOBODY asks him about it later? Nobody goes "Hey..uh..what was all that Tell me what you see Shit? The Captain's dying need some aloe vera!" It's dumb.
They decide to dock with the Icarus I. The inside is covered with an inch thick.. one of the crew knobs says "90% of dust is human skin." okay 1.. Yeah - In A HOUSE! not on a space ship. Secondly for there to be this much dust there would have to be 300 people on the ship with the worst dandruff in the history of mankind. Dumb.
On the Icarus I they find that the garden is in great shape but the crew is all cooked in the sun viewing room and the mainframe is destroyed. before they can figure out what happened... the airlock explodes and the Icarus II starts to float away leaving them on the ship.
They come up with a plan to jetison 3 of the srew back to the other ship by blowing the other side of the airlock and hugging Cillian Murphy as they fly 20 yards into the open hatch of the I... This was a great scene... in The ABYSS... where it made sense and was dramatically effective.
Oh and the shrink stays behind and then goes up to the sun room and evaporates himself.
and the second in command starts acting lke a complete prick so when he dies.. we won't mind. He freezes in space, shatters his arm like glass, floats passed the edge of the ship and burns up... poof!
So now there's only 4 people left to pilot the ship to the sun and deliver the payload. <br><br>They have just enough oxygen left in the ship with 4 people.
The computer tells them there are 5 crew members instead of 4....
Someone came over from the other ship! Someone blew up the airlock on purpose!
Then the computer starts to die like a cross between HAL form 2001 and a drowsy phone sex operator.
Someone..without security clearance...has managed to get the mainframe out of the coolant... remember the coolant that burnt the guys hand? yeah the computer runs the whole ship. So The Human Torch... wait for it... DIVES INTO THE COOLANT and fixes the mainframe with a wrench so it will lower back into the coolant.... he does this 4 TIMES!!!! Yeesh! oh and I forgot...he has his eyes OPEN while he's in the coolant.. small detail but an incredibly stupid one.
Okay.. at this point we have three crew members trying to fly the ship closer to the sun and launch the payload. they know they are going to die but apparently EVERY actor in this movie had their agent call and make Danny Boyle give them a big "I'm gonna sacrifice myself for the good of mankind" moment. Usually these movies have 2 of these moments... in Sunshine EVERYBODY dies that way...except Michelle Yeoh who is stabbed to death with an electric scalpel while she craddles the only remaining plant in her hand...
>Wait... Did I stay stabbed? yes I did... but By who?
Why the other person who snuck aboard from the Icarus I of course!
You see..since trying to reignite the sun isn't difficult enough they had to y'know up the ante a bit...
So they have the Captain of the other ship...who has been living on the other ship for 7 years eating sprouts, staring into the sun, breathing skin dust...running around the ship..NAKED! SUN-BURNED to a CRISP! Driven Homocidal by the power of the Sun... by the way...even though he has been staring into the sun for the last 7 years...he's got 3rd degree burns all over his body..but he isn't blind. I mean COME ON
So the last two remaining crew members have no choice but to launch the payload and hope for the best.
alright that brings us to the mission. They are so close to the Sun that the ship will melt if sunlight hits it. But once the payload is launched they have 4 minutes to get far enough away that the sun won't burn them up... it took them 19 DAYS to get this close.
Even without the Naked homocidal sunburned Zombie captain they still would have DIED!
In the end.. they die and the payload works and flies to the center of the sun (without melting) and reignites it and the permanent winter on earth is exposed to the first rays of light from the new and improved sun.
Now just because Sunshine is a poorly researched, intellectually insulting piece of Sci-Fi doo-doo butter, you might think I don't recommend it.
Oh Contraire mon Fraire!
It's SO insipid that it passes through the membrane of bad taste into the realm of near perfection. Like Plan 9 from outer space, The Black Hole and the Core it enters circle of perfection.
Knowing what you now know I really hope you see it. <br><br>I plan on owning it on DVD.
just in case I need a teary eyed laugh sometime soon...
They think they can re-ignite the sun! Wow!
And by greatest I mean..raging peice of shit

I normally don't do movie reviews but this is a special occasion.
This movie is so stunningly bad the only thing that could make it worse/better would be a cyborg monkey in a boxey robot suit. And in case you are worried about me ruining it for you...the only way I could ruin this movie for you is to buy you a ticket.
Let's start with the Premise...
The sun is (Ah HAHAHA) going..ahem..Out! Yes that's right forget all you ever learned in science class in 3rd grade, the sun will not explode and then collapse into a black hole.. NO! apparently it's going to blink out like a faulty flourescent bulb in a truck stop john.
And it's up to mankind to... RE-IGNITE the SUN! With a Giant Nuclear Bomb "The size of Manhattan" - Now the idea of the Nuclear warhead as a heroic device is hardly new. This lovely plot device has been used before in movies like the Deep Impact (A title which made the porn industry's job easy when they made their version) and The Core (Which until now held the title for least plausible/extraordinarilly hilarious premise).
Okay so... the Sun is 110x the size of the earth and the earth is about 300x the size of Manhattan island, give or take Iceland, and that means that the nuclear warhead we're sending to the sun is like throwing a firecracker into an erupting volcano... erupting volcano The Size Of The SUN! That's RE-RE-RE-TARDED!<br><br>Yeah..that's how we START! then we move on to the fact that they have 7 crew members which includes a Psychologist but no Medic! And the Shrink starts the movie off with an addiction to Staring into The Sun! By the middle of the movie he's peeling pieces of skin off his face. (I was very dissapointed he didn't eat them, I mean while you're busy making the Sanest person on board a looney why not really give it the old Hail Mary) He is staring at the sun through a filter and trying to up his dosage all the time.

Now. There are moments when you can watch a movie like this and still enjoy it. You say to yourself "Self, this is the fucking stupidest idea I Have ever heard! But I've got a 8 dollar ticket and a box of junior mints so let's make the best of it."
Plus I crush really hard on Michelle Yeoh everytime I see her.

The only rule you have in these situations is that when they establish rules wihtin the context of the story they don't break them. And man do they make them....
- The Human torch dude is in this and he drops a wrench in the coolant that they house the Mainframe of the ship's computer in. It is so cold that it blisters his hand instantly... you're supposed to forget this.
- They make a huge deal about the limited amount of Oxygen they have but they make the ENTIRE surface of the bomb in the big chamber capable of sustaining life. Yeah. They barely have enough oxygen for 7 people to do their job but They pump enough oxygen into the bomb chamber for you to be able to walk ALL of New York City...
- And the big one is that they are getting so close to the sun that ANYTHING that gets hit with direct sunlight burns up like tissue paper. ANYTHING! Steel melts. people fry like popcorn in a fire pit.
There are a lot of people who actually like this movie and I credit the failing/underfunded public school system. Because the fact that it is well acted simply means the actors are not to blame for what a raging turd box this movie is. And the Scientific premises put forth are ALL ridiculous and completely without logic on suc h a scale that My cousin Kip and I started Giggling.. I shit you not..Giggling during all the exposition..
Spoiler warning !
The movie deviates from it's original plot direction to send the ship callled Icarus II... to slingshot around mercury and intercept Icarus I..which has been floating near the sun for 7 years. (Even though it has NO reverse engines. and the Sun's gravity would have pulled it into a declining orbit the minute it passed mercury... Kip said they must have one hell of a parking break) <br><br>Now... naming the Ships after Icarus...who flew too close to the Sun and burned either completely ignorant or the WORST piece of foreshadowing Ever.
But that aside the ship reaches the Icarus I and because of a 1 degree miscalculation the sun destroys 4 panels on the sheild on the front of the ship, the radio tower AND the food/oxygen garden. This drives the navigator to become suicidal and gets the Captain killed fixing the panels. He burns alive when he is hit with a sunlight tidal wave...during which the ships Shrink is yelling "Tell me What you See! Tell ME What You SEE!"... which is beyond nuts..and NOBODY asks him about it later? Nobody goes "Hey..uh..what was all that Tell me what you see Shit? The Captain's dying need some aloe vera!" It's dumb.
They decide to dock with the Icarus I. The inside is covered with an inch thick.. one of the crew knobs says "90% of dust is human skin." okay 1.. Yeah - In A HOUSE! not on a space ship. Secondly for there to be this much dust there would have to be 300 people on the ship with the worst dandruff in the history of mankind. Dumb.
On the Icarus I they find that the garden is in great shape but the crew is all cooked in the sun viewing room and the mainframe is destroyed. before they can figure out what happened... the airlock explodes and the Icarus II starts to float away leaving them on the ship.
They come up with a plan to jetison 3 of the srew back to the other ship by blowing the other side of the airlock and hugging Cillian Murphy as they fly 20 yards into the open hatch of the I... This was a great scene... in The ABYSS... where it made sense and was dramatically effective.
Oh and the shrink stays behind and then goes up to the sun room and evaporates himself.
and the second in command starts acting lke a complete prick so when he dies.. we won't mind. He freezes in space, shatters his arm like glass, floats passed the edge of the ship and burns up... poof!
So now there's only 4 people left to pilot the ship to the sun and deliver the payload. <br><br>They have just enough oxygen left in the ship with 4 people.
The computer tells them there are 5 crew members instead of 4....
Someone came over from the other ship! Someone blew up the airlock on purpose!
Then the computer starts to die like a cross between HAL form 2001 and a drowsy phone sex operator.
Someone..without security clearance...has managed to get the mainframe out of the coolant... remember the coolant that burnt the guys hand? yeah the computer runs the whole ship. So The Human Torch... wait for it... DIVES INTO THE COOLANT and fixes the mainframe with a wrench so it will lower back into the coolant.... he does this 4 TIMES!!!! Yeesh! oh and I forgot...he has his eyes OPEN while he's in the coolant.. small detail but an incredibly stupid one.
Okay.. at this point we have three crew members trying to fly the ship closer to the sun and launch the payload. they know they are going to die but apparently EVERY actor in this movie had their agent call and make Danny Boyle give them a big "I'm gonna sacrifice myself for the good of mankind" moment. Usually these movies have 2 of these moments... in Sunshine EVERYBODY dies that way...except Michelle Yeoh who is stabbed to death with an electric scalpel while she craddles the only remaining plant in her hand...
>Wait... Did I stay stabbed? yes I did... but By who?
Why the other person who snuck aboard from the Icarus I of course!
You see..since trying to reignite the sun isn't difficult enough they had to y'know up the ante a bit...
So they have the Captain of the other ship...who has been living on the other ship for 7 years eating sprouts, staring into the sun, breathing skin dust...running around the ship..NAKED! SUN-BURNED to a CRISP! Driven Homocidal by the power of the Sun... by the way...even though he has been staring into the sun for the last 7 years...he's got 3rd degree burns all over his body..but he isn't blind. I mean COME ON
So the last two remaining crew members have no choice but to launch the payload and hope for the best.
alright that brings us to the mission. They are so close to the Sun that the ship will melt if sunlight hits it. But once the payload is launched they have 4 minutes to get far enough away that the sun won't burn them up... it took them 19 DAYS to get this close.
Even without the Naked homocidal sunburned Zombie captain they still would have DIED!
In the end.. they die and the payload works and flies to the center of the sun (without melting) and reignites it and the permanent winter on earth is exposed to the first rays of light from the new and improved sun.
Now just because Sunshine is a poorly researched, intellectually insulting piece of Sci-Fi doo-doo butter, you might think I don't recommend it.
Oh Contraire mon Fraire!
It's SO insipid that it passes through the membrane of bad taste into the realm of near perfection. Like Plan 9 from outer space, The Black Hole and the Core it enters circle of perfection.
Knowing what you now know I really hope you see it. <br><br>I plan on owning it on DVD.
just in case I need a teary eyed laugh sometime soon...
They think they can re-ignite the sun! Wow!
Why do people insist on making "nukes" the end all be all weapon/destructive force/jump-start kit for your planet/star? If you're going to write a movie where you have to restart the sun, why don't you just make a device that, oh, I don't know, restarts suns? Why a really big nuke? If you're depending on your audience to be dense enough to think that this is something that the sun will actually do, don't you think they'd be dense enough to find an "Ultra-Star Restarter" valid? Not to mention they could've got some product placement in there from Energizer or Duracell or something.
I've yet to see it, but I'm planning on doing so as soon as I get off work tonight.