What a week!
I have been tryin' to wear an SG shirt on a show for sometime now and most wouldn't let me because most shows have a rule against logos of any kind. It's rather funny when someone from Business Affairs at a network has to talk me out of wearing an SG shirt on Tony Danza. Their argument is wonderfully lame and usually centers around accidental competition. i.e. You wear a Coke shirt on a show and Pepsi has bought all the commercial space on the show and Pepsi will come over and break your shit..or something. Well.. I'd try to explain to them that there are no other sites like SG and if there were they certainly weren't buying commercial time during Weekends at the DL. But leave it to our good friends at VH1 to flat out not care. They're lovely. They would probably let me where a ninja outfit if I insisted..and could still manage to be funny
So I'm glad everybody saw it and I could represent a little.
I haven't blogged much because I have been so busy. But did anybody notice that the GOP (God's Own Party), who glided into office with one wing made of sheepskin and one wing made of fraudulent ballots.... Had a week that quite frankly they earned..
The Vice President's chief of staff was indicted for five charges of lying to The FBI to the grand jury and basically being a traitorous prick.
Karl Rove is still under investigation.
Tom Delay has been indicted for money Laundering in Texas.
(See Tom illegally used corporate funds to influence elections and change the districts in Texas to favor Republicans..oh..and the number of new republicans that were elected because of this? yep... it's the same number of republicans that make up them the majority in congress... Without this the Dems would control the house.)
Bush's poll rating is %35 (Lower than Schwarzeneggers! %38)
%51 percent of Americans support impeachment over Iraq
Things are so bad...that..I'm not kidding about this..Bush wants everyone in his cabinet to take an Ethics Referesher Course! It would be funny if it weren't so sad. Do any of us need an ethics class to know that it is BAD to out and ACTIVE CIA AGENT in a time of WAR? What chapter is that in the ethics textbook? Right after Chapter 35 "Don't stab your grandma!"? The death toll keeps climbing in this unconscionable war, more evidence comes out every day that they lied and manipulated the intelligence that lead us into this quagmire and his answer? Send his staff to the Learning Annex!
And guess who is teaching the class?
Harriet Myers! n-o S-h-i-t.
Bush's personal attorney whom he nominated for the Supreme Court!!
The idea that Harriet Myers, as Bush's personal council, was not privy to the crimes being commited is moronic at face. My guess is it's really a class about not getting caught.
I would be excited and happy that these creeps are having to stand in the light of day and fate is starting to toss them a piece of the beating they deserve... but their actions come at such a terrible price to our citizens, our soldiers, our allies and the weakest among us that it's impossible.
All I can do is keep up pressure. Bug My Representatives. Never let up.
Anybody who still backs Bush would still let Michael Jackson babysit their kids.
You guys are awesome
I have been tryin' to wear an SG shirt on a show for sometime now and most wouldn't let me because most shows have a rule against logos of any kind. It's rather funny when someone from Business Affairs at a network has to talk me out of wearing an SG shirt on Tony Danza. Their argument is wonderfully lame and usually centers around accidental competition. i.e. You wear a Coke shirt on a show and Pepsi has bought all the commercial space on the show and Pepsi will come over and break your shit..or something. Well.. I'd try to explain to them that there are no other sites like SG and if there were they certainly weren't buying commercial time during Weekends at the DL. But leave it to our good friends at VH1 to flat out not care. They're lovely. They would probably let me where a ninja outfit if I insisted..and could still manage to be funny

So I'm glad everybody saw it and I could represent a little.
I haven't blogged much because I have been so busy. But did anybody notice that the GOP (God's Own Party), who glided into office with one wing made of sheepskin and one wing made of fraudulent ballots.... Had a week that quite frankly they earned..
The Vice President's chief of staff was indicted for five charges of lying to The FBI to the grand jury and basically being a traitorous prick.
Karl Rove is still under investigation.
Tom Delay has been indicted for money Laundering in Texas.
(See Tom illegally used corporate funds to influence elections and change the districts in Texas to favor Republicans..oh..and the number of new republicans that were elected because of this? yep... it's the same number of republicans that make up them the majority in congress... Without this the Dems would control the house.)
Bush's poll rating is %35 (Lower than Schwarzeneggers! %38)
%51 percent of Americans support impeachment over Iraq
Things are so bad...that..I'm not kidding about this..Bush wants everyone in his cabinet to take an Ethics Referesher Course! It would be funny if it weren't so sad. Do any of us need an ethics class to know that it is BAD to out and ACTIVE CIA AGENT in a time of WAR? What chapter is that in the ethics textbook? Right after Chapter 35 "Don't stab your grandma!"? The death toll keeps climbing in this unconscionable war, more evidence comes out every day that they lied and manipulated the intelligence that lead us into this quagmire and his answer? Send his staff to the Learning Annex!
And guess who is teaching the class?
Harriet Myers! n-o S-h-i-t.
Bush's personal attorney whom he nominated for the Supreme Court!!
The idea that Harriet Myers, as Bush's personal council, was not privy to the crimes being commited is moronic at face. My guess is it's really a class about not getting caught.
I would be excited and happy that these creeps are having to stand in the light of day and fate is starting to toss them a piece of the beating they deserve... but their actions come at such a terrible price to our citizens, our soldiers, our allies and the weakest among us that it's impossible.
All I can do is keep up pressure. Bug My Representatives. Never let up.
Anybody who still backs Bush would still let Michael Jackson babysit their kids.
You guys are awesome
I am a Republican, and I totally agree with everything you just said.
Awesome Quote from the sickest dude around...makes my day