I love the idea of this weeks blog homework because I live in Wales where it rains A LOT so I feel like I know this subject well.
I'm quite the introvert so any excuse to stay inside and not see people is great for me. Luckily I live in Wales, UK, where it's known to rain often. I think I read somewhere that it averages about 180 days of rainfall a year, which is pretty crazy when you think about it. Of course this also means we're pretty used to rain and the idea of getting wet; coats and umbrellas are never far behind you when you leave the house, even if it is a blue sky and sunshine kind of day. Don't ever trust Welsh weather. Pro tip right there.
Being used to the rain means I don't hate it like some people might. It can be so refreshing and rejuvenating - for us and for nature - and a great way to clear away the cobwebs, especially when accompanied by a great storm. Sometimes I like to be out in it - there can be nothing better than getting your waterproofs on and going for a good walk, smelling the luscious grass and leaves soaking up the newly fallen droplets, listening to it drip-dripping its way through the branches of trees, overfilling rivers and streams, slowly building up before gushing over rocks of a waterfall. There's something so cleansing about behind outdoors when this is all happening.
But then I also love being tucked away, safe and secure in the warmth of my home, as the world outside gets a good drenching. Usually half naked, I must add. There is nothing better than being at home, in your little private space, where you can walk around half naked in the warmth, the feel of the soft sofa blanket caressing your skin, as you listen to the wind and the rain outside. Or maybe that's just me. Anyway, rainy days inside are the days when I try my best to focus on my creativity. It doesn't always work, I'll be honest, as I'm easily distracted or I manage to convince myself "I'll do it later." If I could make money from procrastinating I'd be a millionaire.
I'll decide I'm going to sit down and do hours of writing. I have a first draft of a novel I'm working on, plus short stories and little bits of poetry all in my head just waiting to be put down on paper. So I'll set everything up nicely - a good spot on the sofa with a blanket over me; a cup of tea and some snacks nearby; my laptop, books, notebook and pen by my side, ready to be filled with endless, effortless words and rhymes of beautiful and mysterious meaning... And then I'll check Facebook. Then I'll check Instagram. Then I'll come on Suicide Girls and write a blog about how I should be doing my writing but instead I'm writing a blog about how I should be writing... Blogception. I'm so meta.
On a good day I managed to do at least some writing. On a great day I manage to do hours of writing. On an average day I'll do a little bit and get distracted. If, after a few attempts, I really can't get any done then I'll tell myself the next best thing to do is read. Currently I'm reading Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar, although I usually go for science fiction or horror. I'll read, drink my tea, nibble on my snacks and get so cosy on my little spot on the sofa with the blanket over me that I'll usually end up falling asleep. Napping is not a bad thing. It was necessary as a baby, it was necessary again through uni (all those late nights of parties and dissertation cramming), and as an adult who works full-time and doesn't have any children to have to stay alert for on the weekends, I'd say it's... Okay, not necessary per se, but I'm going to enjoy it while I still can! That's my excuse, anyway.
An odd hobby I found towards the end of last year is bone articulation. After meeting someone who introduced me to taxidermy (which is very interesting but not quite for me) I discovered bone articulation. I'm not amazing at it by any means, in fact I've only done a couple of squirrel skulls, but I'm currently working on a badger skull. Please don't be alarmed, all the bones I get are from animals who have died naturally or roadkill. I love animals and would never harm them in any way. I'm also a very curious person and an enthusiastic learner, so being able to examine a skull up close and put it together like a jigsaw puzzle really appeals to me. Currently the badger skull is in pieces and drying out after being bleached, and it'll just sit there until the next rainy day when I decide to pick it up and see what I can do with it.
Other than writing, reading, napping and jigskull puzzling, I love getting some Xbox time in. I actually play it more than my partner does (gender roles do not exist in our house - he cooks, I play Xbox. Not even joking. It's amazing). I'm currently playing South Park: The Stick of Truth, which is hilarious! I can't wait for the next one to come out. Otherwise I usually play Assassin's Creed or Borderlands.
So that's pretty much my rainy day! An attempt at getting any writing done without any distractions before succumbing to the lure of the Xbox controller staring at me from the coffee table. I know this has been a bit of an essay - well done if you're still reading this! Gold star for you! - but I have to say this has really got the writing cogs in my mind all oiled up and ready to go, and I actually think I might be able to go and get some done now!
Let me know what you get up to on rainy days or if you think we have any similar hobbies :)
Much love! x