TL;DR - Ive started a Go Fund Me for a friend who's mum just died 8,000 miles away from him, the money will get him to her. Please help if you can - CLICK HERE
My friend, Dan, lost his mother yesterday. She passed away at her home in Zimbabwe, whilst he was almost 8,000 miles away at his home in the UK. So close to Christmas and his birthday (26th December), there couldn't have been a worse time for it to happen. He'll never be able to fully celebrate these holidays again. My heart breaks for him.
Financially, Dan can't afford to get back to Zimbabwe to say goodbye or see his family. A round trip will cost him almost £2,000. He has no savings as he always used to send half of his monthly earnings to his mother to help support her. She was cremated today, so he has already missed her funeral - the best opportunity to say farewell - leaving him without any sense of closure in this situation. All of this has absolutely broken my heart, and so I decided I wanted to help. I started a Go Fund Me page in the hopes of raising the money to get him home so that he can visit his mothers ashes and say a final farewell, helping him along this long process of grieving.
Christmas is a time of giving and I'm going to ask all of you here on SG if you would consider donating. It can be as little or as much as you can afford, any amount will help. Perhaps you buy a few less Christmas treats for yourself and spend the money here instead. If you really can't afford to donate then maybe you could share the link across social media in case somebody you know can.
Those who know me will know I never ask for anything, so right now I'm only asking because he needs your help.
Whether you donate or not, thank you so much for taking the time to read this. I apologise that it is both serious and saddening, but I honestly believe there are some amazing, loving and kind people on this site who will be willing to help.
If you're interested in helping please check out the Go Fund Me page HERE.