I'm still very new to SG and I'm constantly finding new things I love about this site. The fact that blog homework has been extended to members makes me so happy. You won't know this about me but I LOVE writing. I have a degree in English Literature and Creative Writing and although I haven't done as much writing as I'd have liked to lately, knowing that I can use this site to get some kind of writing done is great for me. So I thought I'd start by writing my first blog homework - How I spread holiday cheer.
Christmas was a HUGE thing in my house growing up. My dad was adopted by an elderly woman (who turned out to be his grandmother - but that's a story for another time!) who couldn't afford to spend much for the holidays, but she always did what she could. When he grew up my dad made it his mission to make sure his children never went without. That doesn't mean we were spoilt, but he loved being able to provide for the family and to see our faces light up on Christmas morning. The house was laden with decorations, the food was spectacular and the gifts were always so personal and perfect.
My dad passed away unexpectedly in 2010 and for a long time Christmas didn't feel the same. I was never in the mood to celebrate without him, knowing he was no longer around to see his favourite time of year. I still gave gifts and saw what little family I had left, but it wasn't a huge deal to me anymore. I just lost the spirit.
Last year that all changed. My partner and I had moved in together and he saw just how much I missed Christmas as it used to be. He did everything he could to make it as festive as it could possibly be. He's a keen cook and went above and beyond with the food, and put so much thought into each and every gift he bought for me. I know Christmas isn't all about the material things, but the thought and effort he put into the holidays - considering he wasn't usually so bothered about Christmas himself - truly made my year.
Since then I've found my festive spirit again and my favourite thing now is giving to others and seeing their faces light up. I now know how my dad felt every year, the pleasure it gave him to give to others.
I'll help my sister set out all the presents for her kids on Christmas night, after they've gone to bed, ready to see their excitement in the morning. One year I dressed as Santa and went into their rooms and put presents on the end of their beds. I also love putting thought into the gifts I give people. I like making it personal, something they would love but would never think to buy for themselves. I mostly buy gifts for my partner, my sister and her children. My friends and I understand that Christmas can be an expensive time of year so we don't tend to buy for each other, but something new we have started doing is donating money to charity on behalf of each other. Charities for the homeless, endangered species, mental health and children... Anything really. We all agree that it's money well spent and better than any gift we could give each other.
I think it's so important to think of and give to others at this time of year. And with that in mind I just want to remind everybody that the winter can be a very testing time for many people. The weather is colder, the days are shorter and if you're alone at a time of celebrating family and friends it can really affect your mental health. Please remember that it is okay to ask for help if you're struggling. There are so many helplines and charities that can help you, not to mention doctors if you need more professional help.
Here is a link for all the available helplines in the UK.
And here's one for US helplines.
SG is a fantastic site for talking to like-minded people, so if you're feeling the struggle please don't suffer in silence.
I hope you all have a very merry Christmas and that it is everything you want it to be and more! Lots of love <3