NY is better this time than the last. Maybe I'm just in a better mood this week than I was six months ago, that could be it. I jouneyed to the Met today and saw lots of art. I saw "The Horse Fair" by Rosa Bonheur, which is an amazing work, the canvas is huge and the rendering of the paint is just unbelievable, it...
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Ah finally, a much deserved break. NU is kicking my butt, but I shall rest and relax in NY with my sister over break. Then, refreshed, I will be ready to tackle yet another trimester of classes.
Just for the record ... never take a shuttle from the NY LaGuardia airport to Manhattan. I will take 4 hours and you will end up taking the...
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Just for the record ... never take a shuttle from the NY LaGuardia airport to Manhattan. I will take 4 hours and you will end up taking the...
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LaGuardia is not my favorite airport. It's too small. I was there 10 years ago. I need my airports to be big and modern. Like O'Hare (er..like i'm an airport snob or something) On the other hand it was close to NYC and it was easy for the girl I was visiting to pick me up. I hope you are having a good vacation.

LaGuardia is not my favorite airport. It's too small. I was there 10 years ago. I need my airports to be big and modern. Like O'Hare (er..like i'm an airport snob or something) On the other hand it was close to NYC and it was easy for the girl I was visiting to pick me up. I hope you are having a good vacation.
I feel I see you around w/ this guy (I'm assuming it's your b/f): pony tail, piercings, etc. etc. Maybe I'm way off kilter but....
I hate it when people use incorrect grammer or incomplete sentences on the groups boards, making themselves sound ridiculous and uneducated. It also bothers me when people leave nasty messages that contradict what other people say, it is okay to disagree but don't be a bitch about it. I think I'll stop using the groups. Oh man I am pissed off at people. I guess...
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Hey, I don't know what size you are... but I found these on ebay when I was browsing YSL stuff.
Just thought I'd let you know.
Just thought I'd let you know.
proper grammer is important and soooo attractive. It is a turn off when someone can't articulate their words so I understand your pain
Too many finals and too many papers to update.
See you next time, space cowboy.
See you next time, space cowboy.
Oh man, America's Next Top Model really pissed me off tonight. They didn't cut that girl Brandy with the terrible attitude,
she does not deserve the chance and they cut the lovely Brita, probably because she was "a little heavy." The modeling world loves a bitch I guess.
But I do adore Naima, she is sooo amazing, her look is fantastic. I want her hair...
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But I do adore Naima, she is sooo amazing, her look is fantastic. I want her hair...
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I would like to be a judge for one of those shows. I would give extra points for grace and communication. The Life Drawing (naked models) class I took back in art school would be experience for the judge position.

I hope you all love hearing me complain about my astronomy class because you may hear a lot more if I don't pass the class. I just can't study that stuff, I makes my head hurt.
Question: does anyone out there understand the ending to Wolf's Rain? specifically the last episode. It's one of my favorite series but for the life of me I can't...
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Question: does anyone out there understand the ending to Wolf's Rain? specifically the last episode. It's one of my favorite series but for the life of me I can't...
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The stars and the planets are fun, but its the over the top physics that make astronomy dry and boring. Unless u r a devoted reading the Scientific American (Yawn! heheh) Where is the dark matter?
I can't see it. Maybe I don't need to know about it. the cool stuff about folding the universe in half, putting a hole in it to connect the end parts is great for science fiction series.
none of the above u will c by pointing a telecope a the sky. Here u will c a mostly reddish blob called "Chicago"

Full Metal Alchemist is a good cartoon, but it is kind of sad. I wish I could have the dvds of my favorite anime that didn't have grammatically incorrect subtitles, but I can't bear to buy them here in the US (way too expensive!), I have them shipped from China or Japan (much more economical).
I have an internal conflict about blogs like this. I...
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I have an internal conflict about blogs like this. I...
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Don't feel that way - not if you are writing about anime, certainly.
I like hearing about your travails in astronomy, really.

I like hearing about your travails in astronomy, really.
Adopt an Uglydoll ....
I can identify with Babo
I can successfully add to my list of piercings: tongue!
Now why in the hell do I pass out when they try to give me a shot or take a blood sample?!?!
I can identify with Babo
I can successfully add to my list of piercings: tongue!
Now why in the hell do I pass out when they try to give me a shot or take a blood sample?!?!
Oh you thought I was gone, but I am back.
How is school going? How is Astronomy going? Did they let u look thought the big lens yet?

How is school going? How is Astronomy going? Did they let u look thought the big lens yet?
u can look through my 6incher lens any time u like Larae

So this whole journal this is waaaayyy too much effort, it's distracting, and I have way too much school work to be messing around with this stuff. So I may just disappear for a while, go watch some cartoons to sooth your sadness ... see you next time, space cowboy.
Heres how they look !
not 2 distract u more: The URL address in the [IMG] text line should have an ".JPG" at the end for SG PIC's to kno its a photo.
Xample: http://suicidegirls.com/media/members/7/31/165317/36382/396339.jpg
[Edited on Jan 25, 2005 5:48PM]
[Edited on Jan 25, 2005 11:20PM]

Heres how they look !

not 2 distract u more: The URL address in the [IMG] text line should have an ".JPG" at the end for SG PIC's to kno its a photo.
Xample: http://suicidegirls.com/media/members/7/31/165317/36382/396339.jpg
[Edited on Jan 25, 2005 5:48PM]
[Edited on Jan 25, 2005 11:20PM]
Nice main page photo Larae. I like the hair cut. I like your focused tude

Nice main page photo Larae. I like the hair cut. I like your focused tude
[Edited on Mar 24, 2005 11:10PM]