I don't stay up all night often. All night. From wake to wake without sleep. Tonight, I stayed up to prepare. To prepare paperwork, To lay the groundwork for attending a conference next week -- I'm in! And to get ready for a trip west tomorrow. Erm, today. When it hit 11, I thought why not 12? 1, why not 2? Thanks to distracting friends on the west coast, here I am -- at the time I planned to set my alarm for anyway, even had I gone to bed at 10 or 11 or 12 -- still up. Prepared. Packed. About to shower and get ready to go to the car, the airport, and the plane. It is on that plane that I shall seek sleep, 30,000 feet above the ground, above my kitchen counter -- where I stand -- and above my preparation. I will sleep across the time zones. Sleep. Sleep.
More Blogs
Tuesday Jul 29, 2003
Sometimes I wish I were a robot. Then I could just unplug and shut do… -
Saturday Jul 26, 2003
Wireless networks rock! Thank you, neighbor. -
Monday Jun 16, 2003
Lesson: If you've been outside drinking, playing bocce, and hanging o… -
Friday Jun 06, 2003
The world is pulling apart at the seams. A friend is pregnant. Anothe… -
Monday May 19, 2003
Spent much of the last four days with S., and this Frank Sinatra song… -
Monday Apr 21, 2003
I finally set Media Diet up with an RSS feed. http://www.cardhouse.co… -
Wednesday Apr 02, 2003
I just had some short stories published in Uber. You can read them at… -
Thursday Mar 27, 2003
I try not to make a habit of urinating in public, but last night, wal… -
Tuesday Mar 25, 2003
Beautiful spring today. Read Michael Flynn's "In the Country of the B… -
Friday Mar 21, 2003
I got kicked out because of an iBill snafu, and Spooky, O, and LE wer…