Yesterday afternoon, I went down to Philadelphia for a meeting for work. Instead of flying right back, I spent the night on the edge of Independence Park, not far from the new home of the Liberty Bell. It's a pretty cool facility. Kinda wish I'd just come home because it was pretty boring in the hotel -- and I had to get up at 5 to catch my flight back to Boss Town. It'll be good to get home!
More Blogs
Tuesday Jan 18, 2005
Get your Anchormen ringtone here. -
Monday Jan 03, 2005
Back from a wintry week-plus in Wisconsin to absolutely no snow on th… -
Friday Nov 19, 2004
Wonderful this week -- almost like springtime! Looking forward to the… -
Friday Oct 15, 2004
Rainy day. Sun has set, and auto horns sound angrily on 42nd eight fl… -
Friday Sep 17, 2004
House sitting -- and dog sitting -- for Deb -- and Harpo -- again. Li… -
Wednesday Jun 09, 2004
This week I'm caring for a friend's dog, Harpo, who's a dear. -
Thursday Jun 03, 2004
Tonight I'm sitting at my kitchen table, checking in just before bed… -
Tuesday Jun 01, 2004
I'm sitting on my sad, sad off-the-street futon and wandering SG in b… -
Monday May 31, 2004
What a strange change of days! Yesterday and Sunday were absolutely w… -
Sunday Mar 07, 2004
I have moved to Brooklyn. Fourth floor walk up, Greenpoint. Visiting …