Hey guys,

I finally have a week vacation from my job and it feels so so so good to have a break from 12 hour shifts and fluorescent lighting. My only problem, is it's not really a "going out" vacation since I got a chemical peel and have to stay in doors for 7 days. Yeah guys, 7 long ass days at home, staring at...
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i would go crazy staying inside for 7 days
@onespeed unfortunately, I'm already going crazy lol. Im looking at the same shit over and over 

1. I'm 100% Puerto Rican

2. I try to rebel against society as much as I can

3. One day, I want to be on a secluded island with just animals

4. I'm from Harlem but lived in the South Bronx (the worst)

5. I have a scar on my right eyebrow due to a flesh eating bug :(

6. My favorite movie is Donnie...
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I saw your drawing on hopefuls blog are you doing anything with your art?

2 years ago I was blessed with meeting this beautiful, white and black spotted pitbull.

Her name is Didi and she is the love of my life and my best friend. She's the only thing that can put a huge smile on my face when everything else stinks. She recently learned how to smile (I don't know how), so every time I come home from
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