what is it?!?!...
is it the look she gives me, becuase when she does that everything i look at is like the grand finally on the 4th of july...
is it her sent, because its like aroma therepy when i inhail her, she's got me so high im fiening for more of her inside of me...
can it be her touch, becuase when she touches...
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is it the look she gives me, becuase when she does that everything i look at is like the grand finally on the 4th of july...
is it her sent, because its like aroma therepy when i inhail her, she's got me so high im fiening for more of her inside of me...
can it be her touch, becuase when she touches...
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dig this...
im the manimal that paces back and forth in my cage watching your every move,...wainting with an intense hope of an opportunity to break free and pounce with all my pent up lust and emotion sinking my teeth into your neck while sending shutters down your spine. once free i am curious to how much you can take, how far will you come...
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im the manimal that paces back and forth in my cage watching your every move,...wainting with an intense hope of an opportunity to break free and pounce with all my pent up lust and emotion sinking my teeth into your neck while sending shutters down your spine. once free i am curious to how much you can take, how far will you come...
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wow that was kinda hot!
there is so much more waiting for me,...ive got to get to her!
there is so much more waiting for me,....ive got to get to her..
life sure is funny sometime...though i dont always laugh..

aww, but laughing is good, even when thought to be inappropriate.

Very true
some things are just better left unsaid...
Like, "I want a sandwich?" 'Cuz then, if someone brings you one, you can be floored?
aww cammaaaan .

aww cammaaaan .
thanks for the welcome to the site ( i have actually been here since june 2003, but just went pink in november.)
thanks for the comment though
thanks for the comment though

its amazing just how much i've learned today, and all i had to was listen! its not that often that i can share a conversation with someone and let it completely blow me away, accually both of us, myself and my best friend from childhood, we really spoke and we really listened, and it was really effective.

sink or swim? i dont think i would be able to stop swimming! thats just the way im put together i guess. myself i need humble a bit... i believe i am patient to a degree, i just want to make this a year that i can look back on and say... ive really made a good change with my lfe...
" you are like...
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" you are like...
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aww, don't worry about me. Like you, I'm a swimmer, I'll always be ok. I've gone through to much in my life to let a little loneliness take me over.
I'm sure this year will be great for you if you let it.
I'm sure this year will be great for you if you let it.

silent whispers echo tears into the night sky ever more the guinus that inflicts the charaters disposition, though some fault is fictisious and glamorious in sorts sorted simutanoeus without regaured to some offset far far behind the phantom googlely retard in juice pitchers and cows over the moon screwed blued and tattooed gypsy hooligans speaking the dotch move over coronal so we all fall down,...
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this is a new song im working on...
i just need a little inspiration to get the rest out, writers block they say but, i dont know, ...
open up your goldmine,
a treasure chest of your love undying.
pebbles bang your window pane,
feel my sex as i serenade.
the pulse in the hollow of your throat,
you arch your back and scream out...
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i just need a little inspiration to get the rest out, writers block they say but, i dont know, ...
open up your goldmine,
a treasure chest of your love undying.
pebbles bang your window pane,
feel my sex as i serenade.
the pulse in the hollow of your throat,
you arch your back and scream out...
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we are still down. we need a little time to figure things out, but I'll let you know when we do.