these are my new boyfriends. nah- just my new obsession (for the weekend, anyway). These are the main character of a Hungarian flick, Kontroll, I finally got around to watching last night (recommended by your friendly neighbourhood uberllama - THANKS SO MUCH, LLAMA! The movie rocked - really fun to watch. The characters totally echoed of the slacker, self-neglecting-fuckup, working-class, mixed-generation, quirky boy-bunch vibe that the gang in Trainspotting had going on. Made me remember how much I had enjoyed Trainspotting back in the day when it first hit the theaters. The soundtrack was pretty good, too (again, reminiscent of Trainspotting). uberllama (and anyone else who may be reading this), if you haven't seen it yet, watch it! Only thing is, so much of the personality of the hungarian language is lost in the translation. Hungarians especially have a nack for phrasing their insults very creatively and almost ridiculously. We tend to take just about everything out on your mothers, so you'll find that there are about a million ways to insult one's mother in the Hungarian language. Now I am twice as eager to get my ass back to Budapest this upcoming spring. I forgot how cool hungarians can be in a completely dorky kind of way. We're pretty much a nation of [cool] dorks.
so there ya have it! today's entry just turned into a film review.

I got a decent laugh out of the shrink scene
And yes the soundtrack does rock.
I myself prefer subtitles even if I can't uderstand jack. I prefer a comedian's real voice, I feel it gives a bit more depth and realness to the plot.(Luckily the sub option was available