Alright, so I conned my ma into bringing her laptop to Florida...and I'm just now getting a chance to update. Yeah, being 24 and not a social person and being in Florida with yer ma is not the most exciting way to spend a week, but all in all I'm having fun....I'll have pics to upload when I get yeah, talk at ya'll later
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Saturday Apr 02, 2005
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Monday Mar 28, 2005
So I've joined the evil army....I bought a cell-phone today. I've alw… -
Friday Mar 25, 2005
Hope y'all have a happy Easter....I probly won't get a chance to upda… -
Wednesday Mar 23, 2005
Ok, apparently no one got my Circle K reference (It's the convenience… -
Monday Mar 21, 2005
We got a Circle K! It's the first in Ft Wayne history.....I think thi… -
Friday Mar 18, 2005
So I just did a very hard thing....I sent an e-mail to my ex telling … -
Thursday Mar 17, 2005
HAPPY ST. PAT's Day!!!!! I don't have any cute or funny pics to post… -
Wednesday Mar 16, 2005
Quick update: 1. I'm broke, somehow overspent this week, luckily I g… -
Sunday Mar 13, 2005
Went to the Doc, got some anti-biotics...apparently just a case of Br… -
Thursday Mar 10, 2005
So my cough has gotten even worse....that's what I get for exercising…
The angels will spread their wings, spread their wings
(I wanna show you)
Good and evil lay side by side while electric love penetrates the sky
(I wanna show you)
Lord, Lord I wanna show you
(I wanna show you)
And Hendrix always puts it so nicely. If by nicely I mean under the influence yo. What I DO want to show you is ma pictures, as I've decided that I don't like blogging and am internetly-lazy, so pictures will do instead of journal entries for a while. But 'aim not forgetting you and your fabulousness.
Question: Is Florida really full of aged folks? I feel that American movies have given me a somewhat skewed vision of the US. Or maybe they haven't.
Also, have you seen the movie 'Downfall' yet? Go see it if not, as I am not a great one for war movies, but it is brilliant. It avoids the usual pantomime Hitler, i.e. evil all the time, even when buttering toast. I don't know why so many people are incapable of realising that truly terrifying evil comes in people who otherwise appear 'normal'...