so I'm a little drunk and rather melancholy. I was right, I had no chance with my female friend....apparently women can't get past my gruff, nice-guy exterior...once again I find myself as the 'best guy friend'
I guess it's better than nothing (sour grapes sour grapes) . I have no self-control, and so even though I have cut off communication to my ex, I couldn't help myself and checked her journal....she's depressed....that made me feel bad and really want to contact her.....but I know that'd be counterproductive on my part...I hate thinking like an adult
In better news my new (real world) friends Silverstreak and her man have just got an apt. here in my shining city, which I hope means new folks to hang with....these two will be sick of me soon
...not really, I can't back that up. Ahh well...back to my screwdriver......I need to cut back on my drinking......

Keep your chin up, unfortunatle the ladder theory works. I've been in that girl's position many times before and she's probably doing what she feels is best to ensure your friendship. I know it still hurts and sucks, but it could be better in the long run.
Now I have to go back to ranting at my feminist theory in literature paper because they're going on about how porn is the antithesis of erotica and is evil etc. I like porn and I'm a feminist! So sucks to them and their asss-ma.
Astra (Unnethe)