So I think that the world is ending....or atleast Indiana. The past 2 weeks have given our unofficial state slogan "If you don't like the weather, just wait a few minutes" more credibility than ever before. New Years Eve 60 degrees(F). One week later (Wednesday) we're hit withan Ice storm/snowstorm that pretty much closes down most of our city (even I got off early and we NEVER close early). One more week later(wednesday) 60 degrees again, snow melts, mass flooding, lots of fog (See pic below of my street)
Last night, huge thunderstorm (still 60 degrees). Today, not one day later....30 some degrees and we are now under a winter weather advisory. It's snowing. Tomorrow? who knows? If a Tsunami hits Indiana I won't be surprised.....I gotta get outta this town
Last night, huge thunderstorm (still 60 degrees). Today, not one day later....30 some degrees and we are now under a winter weather advisory. It's snowing. Tomorrow? who knows? If a Tsunami hits Indiana I won't be surprised.....I gotta get outta this town
You need to come to warmer climes.
Strength 8 huh? You didn't munch that did you? *suspicious face*.
I'm pretty happy right at this moment due to finding out that one of my mates is organising a weekend liveaction/gaming thing (Battlecry), which in addition, has a rad accompanying t-shirt. Can things get any better? (geekier?) They can and have: I've reinstalled progress quest. All the xp without any work...sounds like me.