We had our party on Friday...it went surprisingly well. All my good long-time friends showed up and we all had a blast. That is until I twisted my knee....I was just standing there doing a white-boy dance(I was rather drunk), I felt a pop in my knee, felt some pain and then realized I was on the floor. Luckily 2 of my friends are ex-EMTs and another of mine works in the ER. I just pulled it a bit...wrapped it in an ACE bandage the next day and I was golden. The girl I'm interested in didn't show
so my next chance to talk to her is at the bar this Tuesday which sux because it's hard to talk at a bar....and I rely on my cunning wit to attract people since I'm kinda goofy looking.....oh well, Later my Homies!

You aren't goofy looking.
hope your knee is fine now