A little Johnnie joke to start the day.
Johnny and his grampa go fishing. They'd been out for a while and weren't catching much. Grampa lights up a cigarette and starts smoking. Johnny says, "hey grandpa... Can I smoke a cigarette?"
And grampa says, "Well, Johnny... Can your penis touch your asshole?"
And Johnny says, "no."
And grampa says, "Well, there's your answer."
Johnny was a little upset, but they both go back to fishing.
A little while later, grampa reaches in the icebox and pulls out a nice, cold beer and takes a drink.
Johnny says, "hey grampa...Can I have a beer?"
And grampa says, "Well, Johnny... Can your penis touch your asshole?"
And Johnny says, "no, I TOLD you it couldn't."
And grampa says, "Well, there's your answer."
Johnny was a little angry, but they both go back to fishing.
A little while later, Johnny get's into his backpack and pulls out a bag of cookies. He eats one. Grampa says, "Hey Johnny. Can I have one of them cookies?"
And Johnny says, "Well grampa... Can your penis touch your asshole?"
And grampa says, "Yes Johnny. As a matter of fact, it can!"
And Johnny says, "Good. Then go fuck yourself. Cuz gramma made these cookies for me!"
Johnny and his grampa go fishing. They'd been out for a while and weren't catching much. Grampa lights up a cigarette and starts smoking. Johnny says, "hey grandpa... Can I smoke a cigarette?"
And grampa says, "Well, Johnny... Can your penis touch your asshole?"
And Johnny says, "no."
And grampa says, "Well, there's your answer."
Johnny was a little upset, but they both go back to fishing.
A little while later, grampa reaches in the icebox and pulls out a nice, cold beer and takes a drink.
Johnny says, "hey grampa...Can I have a beer?"
And grampa says, "Well, Johnny... Can your penis touch your asshole?"
And Johnny says, "no, I TOLD you it couldn't."
And grampa says, "Well, there's your answer."
Johnny was a little angry, but they both go back to fishing.
A little while later, Johnny get's into his backpack and pulls out a bag of cookies. He eats one. Grampa says, "Hey Johnny. Can I have one of them cookies?"
And Johnny says, "Well grampa... Can your penis touch your asshole?"
And grampa says, "Yes Johnny. As a matter of fact, it can!"
And Johnny says, "Good. Then go fuck yourself. Cuz gramma made these cookies for me!"