A thought
How often have you wondered about love. Would you know the one if they stood before you. Can you see that your souls are bound. That is all things no matter what cannot rip you from one another. In a world of billions you will be blessed with meeting that one.
Have you ever dreamed , even a short dream about this. I know you are out there I know you are near . Maybe you will read this and feel a soul memory stir. So with all the beauty here all the hearts I see willing to push against all odds to swim upstream. Here I will open my heart's doors, and pour out the love. One so strong that Instead of standing proud I will kneel in humbleness.
If you should read this and feel the union forming do the same . Who knows what we will find or share.
How often have you wondered about love. Would you know the one if they stood before you. Can you see that your souls are bound. That is all things no matter what cannot rip you from one another. In a world of billions you will be blessed with meeting that one.
Have you ever dreamed , even a short dream about this. I know you are out there I know you are near . Maybe you will read this and feel a soul memory stir. So with all the beauty here all the hearts I see willing to push against all odds to swim upstream. Here I will open my heart's doors, and pour out the love. One so strong that Instead of standing proud I will kneel in humbleness.
If you should read this and feel the union forming do the same . Who knows what we will find or share.
I work mental health , I work on puttin minds back together after they are broken . We are human beings , our minds are a gift and a curse. Fate is a point of view. I have learned you can only handle what you are ready for . To find a soulmate you have to be ready to except they may not come in the form or type person you think you want. It is the soul that is important. I have re- thought the fact that the person may take a life time to find or may not even be on the earth in my lifetime. But souls are eternal. Soulmate's type of love is rare . It is like love if you dont know the true beauty and horror of it , you are in for a ride and that may not be a good thing. So keep your eyes open and head up or you miss what is in front of you . Look at all the wonders on this site. There are so many many flavors. Taste as many as you can , You might have to review the not in the cards. There are 52 and times 52 ways to use them is 2704. Odds are with those that dont give up.