I hope you're all enjoying today as much as I am!!
This morning my yoga practice was all about flexibility! It was a contrast between tree pose (a reminder to stay grounded) and eagle's pose (a pose of great balance and flexibility). I pictured myself as a willow tree, grounded and firm, with branches reaching wide and moving with the wind. Over the past year I've been practicing with Dr. Melissa West, who has over 200 hour long videos on youtube in addition to a pay site that's just fantastic! This is the practice I did today, if you would like to try it for yourself :)
After I finished my practice, I decided to go grab some coffee. It's an unseasonably warm 45 degrees here in Columbus today, so I walked the 15 minutes to the coffee shop in my neighborhood, despite the fact that it looked like it may rain. When I arrived, over 20 cyclists had just gotten in line and I almost left, worried it would rain on my way back. Typically, I would get very annoyed by this, but I thought "What a great chance to practice my flexibility!", I patiently waited in line, thumbing through a copy of a local magazine with a smile on my face. Even though the sky was getting darker, I made it home without being rained on. It's amazing how applicable my yoga practice is to my everyday life! It really is so much more than I work out. I highly suggest a meditative yoga practice for anyone looking for balance in their life, to fill a void, or with nervous energy. It truly has changed my life!
Stay flexible everyone! Sway in the wind, bend without breaking, stretch your soul.